Annoying People 2

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A/N : This chapter is a continuation of the previous one. I hope you enjoy it. Dedicated to trueathenian and Mauli_29 for their valuable inputs. If anyone has more inputs, do tell me your ideas. I will give you credits.

1. The Cuckoos : These are the people who continuously send 14 to 15 Good morning and Good night messages everyday on WhatsApp. My advice to such people is that everyone has got a wall clock at least in their home and they can see the time from there. No need to be the informally appointed Cuckoos.

2. The Matchmakers : Such people  are involved in searching for different guys or gals for marriage and suggesting them to their relatives even when they haven't asked. Most of the times these are some nosey elders. What I want to say is that in this era we have various matrimonial sites like, our parents and even we can find the right person for ourselves. So please chill and do your own work.

3. The Google Maps: These people upload their location every time they go somewhere, even when they are going to the nearby park. They don't understand that this could lead to kidnapping of their loved ones as well as theirs as it makes very easy for the goons to track you down. Please think about the consequences when you are uploading your location. Your friends are not interested in knowing all the places you go.

4. Selfie Monsters : Such people upload every Selfie that they click on Facebook and Instagram, without even looking at their face before uploading. For example many people upload their horrible Holi selfies and it agitates me like anything. Some people don't even look at the place from where they click selfies. For example a person clicked his selfie sitting on a commode and sent it to WhatsApp group. My advice to such people would be to look at your pictures before uploading them on social networking sites.

5. The Tagging Idiots : Such people tag many people on their stupid picture for some likes and most of the time they don't get it. For example a guy who was much older than I was and did not even know me, tagged me in every profile picture of his. It was so agitating that I felt like killing him when my notification feeds were all because of him. One thing that I would like to say to them, "buri shakal lekar paida hona koi gunaah nahi hai par vahiyaat pose me 69 logon ko tag karna aatankwaad hai(it is not an offence if you are not good looking but if you tag 69 people in your stupid selfie than that is equivalent to terrorism)

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