Is Porn Responsible For Rapes?

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It is a common belief that watching porn is directly proportional to rape. But my question is really porn the cause of rape? The answer is not at all obvious. In some cases it is because of watching porn, while in many cases porn has no whatsoever relation with rape.

I am not encouraging watching porn. In fact according to me,the situation of children watching porn is quite alarming. It seriously should not happen. According to me, parents should keep a check on whatever their children are viewing.

Now coming to the point, porn watching increases rape or not. In the research it showed that watching porn has increased rape cases in countries like India and some other countries of South Asia. But it also showed that watching porn has decreased rapes by 30 per cent in some European countries. So we can't directly establish a relationship between porn and rape.

There are many guys and gals I know who watch porn. In my case I have seen that the guys who watched porn had no inclination towards eve teasing. In fact they respected girls more than other guys. I am not generalising things, but this is what I have seen.

Now the question comes, what are the actual reasons and what can we do to minimise it? The answer is first we need to understand the fact that women are not subordinate to men. They are equally capable of doing things that a man can do. Secondly, role of family and school in teaching both the sexes to respect each other can't be ignored. Children learn a lot by their family background. If they see the women of their house suffering domestic violence and disregard then the children learn the same thing.

According to me the excessively closed attitude of people in dealing with topics like sex is also a problem. Parents should teach their children about good touch and bad touch at the age of seven or eight. Internet gives the knowledge about such things but it can't impart the complete knowledge and hence the role of parents in giving complete information about such things at the onset of puberty becomes important. Remember half knowledge is more dangerous than no knowledge. If anyone spots their children watching porn, instead of beating the hell out of them, make them understand why it is wrong.

Also society needs to treat the accused as the accused and not the victim as the accused. We all need to realise the deep rooted problem instead of finding frivolous excuses. Ministers should not say that rapes happen by mistake because it doesn't happen that way.

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