Criteria For Review

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This is kind of a warning for all the people who have given their books for review. From now on the reviews will be brutally honest.

First of all I will tell you on what basis do I exactly review.

Summary : Summary is the first thing that a person reads and it should be interesting enough to invoke some interest and arise some curiosity in the mind of the readers. So a boring summary will do a - 1 from the total score.

Grammar, spelling and punctuation: To tell you honestly, I am a grammar Nazi. For me grammar is an integral part of any written piece. So a sloppy grammar, spelling and punctuation deducts a - 2 from my side.

Characters: Yes I do judge on character. In this I judge whether the character is relatable or made up, is clichéd or not and whether the female character is weak or strong. A weak characterisation leads to a - 1.

Dialogues: Dialogues are also an important part of the story and I judge on the fact whether they suit your character and whether they are realistic. A bad dialogue deducts a-0.5. 

Description and flow: These are also extremely important things to be judged on. I do see the flow of the story. Descriptions are also something which I see like are you describing the scene less or are you describing so much that it impacts the novel in a negative way. A -1 if the flow and descriptions are not up to the mark.

Clichéd: I also see how clichéd the theme of your novel is. Clichés are bound to happen but if they are too much then a - 1 is for sure. I strictly hate clichés.

Entertainment quotient: Why would somebody read your book for long if it is not entertaining? So yes, I do take the entertainment factor in mind. If it is too much of a bore then a - 1.

Standard of language: A good standard of language can lift an average book to great heights. If you have a good standard of language definitely a +1 and also some of the errors can be ignored.

Collaboration Reviews
Only some good books go into this segment. This is done when either I have to review my friend's book or the book is too good to find much faults. The review in this segment will be harsher than usual. The review in this section is done by me and @trueathenian.

PS : I don't give a damn if you find us rude. If you will be rude to us, we will mute and report.

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