Adopted by Ariana Grande

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Only one person made Amelia Johnson smile. That was her idol. Ariana Grande. But I mean who couldn't love Ariana?! Her voice was the voice of an angel, she was gorgeous, she just made everyone smile where ever she went. Amelia wanted to be just like her. But being in an orphanage didnt help things.. She had been adopted 4 times and returned 4 times all claiming she was "too introverted" or "too old" or some other lame excuse. Amelia had truly lost all hope.. No one could love her. No one could share memories with her.. She thought she was a complete failure. At only 17 she already had been in 6 "families" all returning her in under 2 months. She was used to it tho.. No one could truly love her.


Ok I know this is bad but it's only the beginning it might get good lol idk... Lol I'm sorry I'm a terrible writer!!!!! But I'll try to make it better! :) ok

Xx - Sarah :) {@haleigh9904 u inspired me to write this ily girl ❤😘 luv u cuz}

Adopted by Ariana Grande?!Where stories live. Discover now