Whose is its?

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Austin's POV-

After weeks of therapy I was finally feeling better. Amelia for some reason had been keeping her distance from me and everyone.

"Love. Is something wrong?" I asked gently after she had declined my offer to go out to eat.

"No.. No nothing's wrong." She mumbled looking at her feet.

"I know something's wrong baby. You seem distanced." Something had to be wrong.

She sighed tears threatening to spill. "I was going to tell you, but I could never bring myself to tell you. I... I..." She said breaking in front if my eyes.

"Hey.. Hey it's alright." I say bringing her into my arms.

Amelia's POV-

I shook violently in his arms. How could I tell him?


I slowly waited for the small device to tell me what I needed to know. The suspense was killing me all I needed to know was right at my finger tips

I waited for 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5 minutes but it felt like 5 years. In that 5 minutes suspense seemed to eat at my soul. Eating until I was nearly in a crazy state.

What if I was? What if it isn't his? What if he hates me? What if he leaves me? What if it's not his?

I blocked all my thoughts out I couldn't bring myself to think about it. But it still kept me thinking 'what if it wasn't his?'

My eyes watched intensely at the device waiting for it's reply. But it wanting to keep me in suspense gave no reply. I couldn't take it any longer I had to know!!

I closed my eyes praying the time would speed up. Yet seemingly it didn't.

My eyes popped open to be greeted by 2 lines. My eyes widened. "No no no no no....." I whispered to myself

It was positive. I was pregnant.

But who's was it?

*end of flashback*

"I...I...." I stuttered into his chest. How could I tell him. I mean he had a right to know but what if he got mad? What if he left me? What if it wasn't his....?

"Deep breathes babe it's ok." Austin said rubbing gentle circles in my back.

I took a deep breathe calming myself. 'Just tell him Amelia!' I screamed at myself. After a little while of deep breathes I mumbled out an answer to why I was distant.

"What? I didn't hear you love." He said looking at me with concern.

I took one last deep breathe. "I'm pregnant." I say closing my eyes waiting for the yelling. But none came.

I opened my eyes to see him smiling. Austin was happy about it!

"Do you know whose it is...?" He asked cautiously trying to use the right words to mouth his question.

"I... I don't know."


(A/N) sorry it's so short or horrible or stupid... Lol I'm really tired so night people!




luv ya! ❄️

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