Starbucks Anyone?

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*2 days later*
I walked into the new Starbucks that had opened just down the street from my house.
So I decided to try it out. I walked into the store letting the aroma of coffee surround me.
"Oh look who it is.." I heard a familiar voice say from behind me.
I turned to see Tabitha standing behind me.. Great.. Why to start a Saturday.
"Aww looks like little Amelia finally got adopted!" She laughed.
"Hi Tabitha.." I said trying my hardest not to roll my eyes.
"You'll never guess who my neighbor is! Ariana Grande. That's right you heard me. Ari-ana Gra-nde." She said slowly.
"Oh is she now..." I smirked.
"Yup and let me guess; you got a little crappy business family that only adopted you because they felt bad for you." She jeered.
"You know what. Why don't I just show you my family I'm sure they'd be happy to meet you." I faked smiled.
"Well I don't have anything better to do..." She said following me out the door. Goodness that girl was getting on my last nerve...
I walked up to my moms house. Tabitha must not have realized where we were.
"Hey mom I'm home and I brought um a friend..." I say despising myself for calling Tabitha a "friend."
"Kk babe Ill be down in a second!" She yelled from the top of the steps. I could hear her light footsteps as she walked down the stairs.
When she reached the bottom step, tabithas mouth could have touched the floor. I smirked... OHHH this felt so good.
"Mom this is Tabitha. Tabitha this is my mom." I said smirking still.
"Oh your Tabitha Mia has said a lot about you.." Mom said trying not to start anything.
"Um it's very nice to meet you Miss Grande but I um.. Have to go.." Tabitha said. I giggled as she left.
"What was that all about?" Mom asked.
"Oh just Tabitha was bragging about you were her neighbor... Yeah I should her..." I giggled again.
"Oh she's the mean one from the orphanage you were talking about!!" Mom said it finally making sense to her.
"Yup." I say popping the "p"
"Nice one." Mom said laughing.
AHHH revenge never felt so good...

(A/N) so what do you guys think so far??

Vote? Comment? Follow me, @natlay13, and @haleigh9904

Luv ya! ❤

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