Ill Protect You

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Austin Prov-

Where had I seen him...? I kept asking myself. Then it hit me. When I got hurt in football him and that Justin guy were the one that attacked me how could I have been so blind!

I quickly whip out my iPhone and dial Mia's number.

Please don't be too late please don't be too late I repeated to myself

The phone rung once, twice, three times before going to voice mail. "Crap !" I murmured as I ran to Mia's house.

Even that demon even touched a hair on her head I'd....

Amelia's Prov-

"You know I love you right?" Carter whispered to me. He had been acting different when Austin had left. More.... Possessive..?

"Of course." I say snapping myself out if my daydream. I turned to face him to see a smirk plastered on his face.

I raise an eyebrow.. Something wasnt right. What was Carter doing? Before I knew it he crashed his lips to mine, hungrily, wantingly (is that a word..? Lol) I froze, that was the same move his brother Justin used on me before he... Ugh I don't even want to think about it.

My skin went pale, my hands shone violently. Carter smirked. I thought he was different not like Justin in any way... But he was. He used me.. He.. He.. Used me..

It hit me like a bullet. He used me. And to think I actually thought I loved him! I couldn't move I was frozen.

"GET YOUR BLOODY HANDS OFF MY GIRLFRIEND!" I heard a loud voice yell. I turned to see Austin.

"She's not your girlfriend." Carter smirked.

Austin's eyes narrowed, he attacked Carter with all his might. I was frozen for about 10 more seconds but finally ran to the phone dialing 911.

We I finished the call to the police I turned around just in time to see Austin knock out Carter with a blow to his jaw. Tears streamed down my face.

Austin's knuckles were all cut up his face had a small bruise on his lower cheek.

He wrapped his arms around me, afraid if he let go I would leave. I cried silently in his chest.

The police arrived and took Carter away taking Mine and Austin's statement.

Later that night I laid in my bed thinking about what had happened. Austin was in the guest room sleeping saying he needed to stay to "protect" me.

I slowly rose from my bed and walked to Austin's room. I shook him awake sitting down on the edge.

"Hmm what is it babe." He slurred

"I can't sleep.." I whisper. Austin nodded lifting the sheet signally for me to climb in.

"I said I would protect you babe. Good night I love you.. I won't let them hurt you." He whispered as he fell back asleep. I slowly drifted to sleep at the feeling of Austin's arms around my waist.


(A/N) night really tired! Sorry!!


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