Our Child.

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CH. 50


Amelia's POV-

I sat down on the couch waiting for the commercial on tv to end and to finally get back to the actual tv show.

I rolled my eyes as the commercial continued to play. Finally after 1 full minute of that torture the show came back on to one of my personal favorite tv shows 'Psych'

It had to be one of the best tv shows of all time.

Austin sat down next to me constantly watching the tv screen. Tears filled my eyes as the Shawn (the main character of Psych if you didn't know) got shot in the shoulder.

"WHY DID HE HAVE TO SHOT HIM?!" I cried to the television show. Austin looked at me like I was insane.

"Babe. It's just a tv show. He didn't really get shot. It's just so the show holds your attention." He says bringing me into his arms.

"But they didn't have to shot him!!" I screamed.

"Calm down love. It's just a show." He chuckled under his breathe.

I sighed. "I'm sorry... It's just... Pregnancy hormones I guess.." I mutter.

Austin laughed. "It's alright love." He said kissing my forehead gently.

I smiled snuggling into his toned chest. Austin's hand rested on my Rosen stomach. I smiled to myself. He was going to be a wonderful father.

Austin's POV-

I smile as I rest my hand gently on Amelia's stomach. That was our baby in there. Our child.

He or she was going to be perfect just like it's mom.

Our child.

The words sounded like music to my ears. Perfect words that little did I know I wanted to hear.

I knew Amelia would be the perfect mother. And hopefully I would be the model father.

But that was one of the things I feared most... What if I wasn't a model father what if I was horrible?!

My thoughts were broken by the phone ringing loudly. I grabbed the phone quickly answering it.

"Hello??" I answer.

"Austin?" A panicked voice said. "It's Nathan. Ariana's in labor."

My eyes widened.

"Me and Mia will be right there." I say quickly.

Amelia's POV-

My head turned to Austin.

"Me and Mia will be right there." He said to the person on the other line.

I raised my eyebrow. Where were we going?

"What's going on?" I asked worried.

Austin grabbed my hand. "Your moms in labor."

My eyes widened at what he said. I couldn't breathe. "Oh my gosh." I say breathlessly.

Austin turned to me and grabbed my arms. "Breathe baby breathe. It's going to be ok." I took shaken breathes.

I nodded as Austin grabbed mine and his coat and keys. He handed me my coat and slipped his on. He helped me into our car and he got in driving to the hospital.

Austin slipped his hand into mine squeezing tightly. I shook violently a rush of panic coming over me. Thankfully Austin was with me or I would have had a mental breakdown.

We arrived at the hospital Austin helped me out of the car grabbing my hand gently.

"Hi. We're looking for Ms. Ariana Grande and Mr. Nathan Sykes." Austin said as I held his hand tighter.

"Are you family of Ms. Grande or Mr. Sykes?" The secretary asked.

"She's my mom." I say shakingly.

"Names?" The secretary asked

"Amelia Grande and Austin Mahone." Austin said.

The secretary nodded. "Room 128" she answered pointing in the direction of the room.

Austin pulled me ahead my body failing to function. I couldn't process what was happening.

"It's going to fine my love." Austin whispered into my ear as we sat down outside of the room Mom was in. I rested my head gently on Austin's shoulder. I was in a daze. Nothing seemed to process in my brain.

I could hear her screams of pain and tiredness echo through the walls of the room. I winced at the sound of my mother, my best friend in pain.

I moved closer to Austin burying my head into his chest. I letting a couple tears fall onto his red T-shirt. He put his arm around my body. My figure molding into his.

"Hey... It's going to be ok babe." Austin murmured into my hair. "The babies are going to be healthy. And your going to be a wonderful sister to them. And then when out baby is born your going to be a wonderful mother." He ran a hand through my hair gently.

I nodded into his chest. Hoping he was right.

Austin's POV-

After about 6 hours of sitting in the chair Amelia feel asleep in my arms. I smiled lightly at her flawless figure in my arms.

I could see her chest rising and falling as she breathed in and out. The door opened to the room Ariana and Nathan were in.

The nurse smiled at me. I motioned for me to come in.

I quickly shook Amelia awake gently. "Wake up love." I whisper into her ear. Her eyes fluttering open. I smiled at her as I took her hand helping her up and walking into the room.

Amelia's POV-

I walked into the room slowly not sure what to expect. I stopped at the doorway.

To see Mom crying and Nathan holding one baby. And no other babies. Mom was having twins were was the other baby...?

I walked to my mom. I looked confused at Mom and Nathan.

"There was some complications with one of the babies..." The nurse muttered looking at mine and Austin's confused expression. "He is in the ICU (I think that's how it's spelled lol..) and should be alright."

Austin looked at me kindly taking my hand and leading me to my mom on the hospital bed. Tears filled my eyes as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Do you want to hold ur sister Juliet?" Nathan asked breaking the silence. I slowly nodded as the words processed in my mind.

As little Juliet was placed in my arms. The excitement was boiling in my skin. Now I was actually excited for when my baby was born.

My train of thought was cut off when the nurse burst through the door.
"We have news about your little boy, Luke."








(A/N) tried to make it extra long cuz it's the 50th chapter and you guys have been begging for the update so here ya go! ;) FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @igotgrandeswag

Feel better Haleigh!



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Adopted by Ariana Grande?!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt