Truly Dreaming

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Austin Pov-
Amelia slowly drifted to sleep in my arms. I placed her gently on the couch, going to grab my phone Ariana needed to know about this threat.

"Please don't tell mom." A soft voice said.

I looked at Mia and sat down next to her.

"But baby. She needs to know. She's your mother..." I whispered to her, brushing a stray hair behind her ear.

She shook her head no. "Please, don't tell her..."

I sigh knowing I should. But I mean I could protect her... Right?

"Ok." I sigh, kissing her forehead. Her slowly falling asleep.

Amelia's Pov-
'Aww your little boyfriend trying to protect you.' A sharp voice said. One I wished I had never heard.


'Leave him alone!' I say, as Justin pinned Austin to the ground.

'Like I said. You can't run away from me. Ill always find you.' Justin said coming over to me.

Fear struck me. Before Justin could even lay a finger on me Austin had already pounced on him and fought him back.

I knew that if Austin didnt beat Justin, Justin would take his life. He was a flipping physcopath!(ik it's not spelled right but idc)

"Please leave him alone!!" I cried out.

Justin only laughed slightly, ready to take Austin's live

"AHHHH!!!!" I scream tears rolling down my cheeks.

Austin ran in from the kitchen.

I was shaking.

"Hey.. Hey I'm right here baby girl. Everything's ok." He comforted

But I knew everything wasn't ok..

(A/N) hey guys please pray for Austin he is in the hospital :"( soo yeah...

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