The Future Still Holds The Past

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Tabithas POV-

What was I going to do? He would find out that I hadn't "finished the job" and he would rip my head off!

"Well I guess we should probably head to bed and get what little sleep we can." Amelia said starting to walk up the stairs to her bedroom.

I only nodded in reply. I turned my focus back to the blank wall. What was I going to do?

Amelia's POV-

"She seemed pretty tense don't you think?" I said to Austin about Tabitha.

Austin laid down next to me and only smiled.

"I'm sure it's nothing." He said.

"Since when did you start to trust her?" I laughed. "You've always been suspicious about her since she got here!"

"Everyone deserves a second chance." Austin said turning around to turn the light off, then laying back down next to me.

I smile as I hear his soft snores in my ear.

Then I thought about the future. With our little baby girl. Jasmine. Such a perfect name for a perfect little baby.

A miracle deep in the flesh.

I would go shopping with her after school. Laugh about all she had done that day. Hold her when the day had been rough.

Then on her birthday treat her like she's the only one in the world, that nothing else mattered.

We would go on family vacations anywhere we wanted.

I smiled. Those would be the days that would forever be in my heart.

I had decided early that it would be best not to call mom at 4:37 in the morning and just call her tomorrow. Since she would be asleep and all.

But was I ready to be a mother? Would I live up to the standard? Would I be the loving and caring mother I knew I could be and desperately wanted to be?

It had only occurred to me now what I would have to do to be a mother. All the sacrifices I would have to make. But right now, those things didn't matter. All that mattered was she was alive.

Austin's POV-

I watched as Mia drifted to sleep in my arms.

Our baby was alive. By some miracle she was alive!

She was perfect.

I would get to hold her in my arms. She would be Daddy's little girl.

She would be just like her mother. Perfect beyond measure. But she already was.

When she is older though I would have to by a shotgun to keep the boys out of the yard (A/N: ik what u guys are thinking about.... Milkshakes!) but that was only a minor thing along the road.

But one day I would have to give her away to be married. She wouldn't be my little girl anymore. She would be a lady.

But she is still small and I didn't need to worry about that. I still had time.

I fell asleep soon after with thoughts jumping into my dreams.

Tabithas POV-

I walked up the stair case to my room Coco closely at my heal. I opened the door to my room and let Coco in behind me.

I felt my phone vibrate in my sweatshirt pocket. I gently pulled it out and read the text. Before I was filled with horror.

"From: J
To: T
We need to talk."

☞To Be Continued...☜


So here's an update! :)

Love u <3

I came up with a fandom name for u guys 🙈

"The teddy bears" hehe I think it's cute <3 tell me what u think!

Lol and I'm mama bear cuz you know. Swag. Lol

Anyways! Lol

Love u teddy bears <3

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