Come back to me

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Omg happy 50th update! :")

Amelia's POV-

I look back at Austin's lifeless body. The tears seemed to just keep coming.
Nathan and Mom drove me home offering for me to stay at their house for tonight. I declined saying I needed to be alone.

And I did need to be alone. After everything that happened I needed a break, a brain rest. But more then that I needed Austin.

I unlocked the big wooden door to our house shutting it gently behind me. I couldn't cry anymore I had no tears to cry. Coco came to greet me at the door, I gave a slight smile. I set my stuff on the counter and proceeded to the couch.

Having Austin gone in a hospital was the worst pain I could ever imagine bearing. I wanted to be with him no I NEEDED to be with him. But I couldn't I had to leave him.

I wanted to feel his hand in mine, even if he was in a coma. At least then I would be with him every second. But I couldn't be with him.

I got up from the couch running upstairs to my room, tears rolling down my cheeks. I couldn't handle it anymore. It was all my fault. Everything.

I grab my iPhone and walked to moms house. I just needed someone to hold me and tell me everything will be ok.

I knock on the door as Nathan opens it. I don't say anything just wrap my arms around his torso. He holds me tighter.

"Ariana. Amelia's here." He says to her as she comes down the stairs. She wraps her arms around me and Nathan.

"Everything's going to be alright. Austin's a fighter he'll come back." Mom said kissing the top of my head.

I sure hope so I thought. 'Austin please come back to me.'

(A/N) Idek what I'm doing with this story anymore! Lol any ideas? Comment below!

Question: if I made a 1D or 5sos preference book would u guys read it?



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