One or the Other

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*1 Week later*
Austin's Pov-
I started to hang out with Amelia more and more. We texted all the time. We hung out every evening. I sometimes even ditched Tabitha to hang with Mia, claim I didn't feel well or something came up in the family.
I was at Tabithas house watching a movie with her, she went to the bathroom as I got a text

'From: Mia <3
To: Austy <3
Heyy want to hang at my place? Moms gone for a radio tour.. It's really lonely :('

'From: Austy <3
To: Mia <3
Kk ill be over in a sec! :)'

'From: Mia <3
To: Austy <3

"Hey Tabitha! I just got a text from my mom saying that my aunt is in the hospital I really have to go! I'm sorry!" I say trying to pull a sad voice and face.
"Ok babe. Ill see you later then?" She replied.
"Yup.. Later." I say running out the door to Mia's house.
I knock on it.
"ARE YOU A BURGLAR?!" Mia yelled from inside. I chuckled slightly.
"No!" I yelled back.
"It's open!!" She yelled.
I opened the door and walked over to her giant living room and sat next to her on the couch.
"Hey." I smile
"Hi." Mia replies.
"How longs your mom gone for?" I asked. Hoping it was a long time so I had an excuse to visit Amelia.
"2 weeks I think. But she might get off early.. I dont know." She replies.
I smiled on the inside.
"Well I guess you get to spend that 2 weeks with me.." I say.
"Yup.. Sadly.." She giggles
"Hey!!" I say pretending to be offended.
"I'm kidding. I love spending time with you." Mia smiles.
"I'm hungry!" I whine.
"Wanna go to Starbucks?" Amelia asks
"Yes!" I reply taking her hand and walking to the Starbucks (hehe Natalie see what I did there 😉)
We ordered and took a seat at the table near the window. Our usual spot.
While paps stood outside taking pictures of Amelia and me. The only reason they did that was because she was Ariana Grande's daughter
*2 hours later*
I walked Amelia home after our wonderful time at Starbucks.
I started to walk back to my home when I got a text from Tabitha

'From: Tabitha
To: Austin
We need to talk. Come to my house now.'

It sounded urgent so I ran to Tabitha's house and knocked on the door, to soon be opened by Tabitha.
"We need to talk." Is all she said.
"Ok what about?" I smiled seeming oblivious to what she wanted to talk about.
"You and Amelia." She spat.
My eyes widened. Play it cool Austin.. I told myself taking a deep breathe.
"Yeah what about her and me?" I ask.
"My friend Maya told me that she saw you and Amelia at Starbucks together!!" Tabitha snapped at me.
Oh great.
"Now lets clear things up it's one or the other. Her or me." She continues "her or me"

(A/N) what do y'all think? Twisted Ikr!!! OMG I posted like 4 times tonight lol!! Oh well ;)

Vote? Comment? Follow Me, @natlay13, and @haleigh9904 :)

Luv ya! ❤

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