Trouble on 21st Street?

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I smiled at him again, thank goodness it was dark so he couldn't see me blushing.
"So what are you doing out late at night?" He asked gently
"Trying to clear my head." I answered. "You?"
"Actually I was going to visit my girlfriend." He replied. Great he had a girlfriend.... Wonderful -.-
"What's what's her name?" I ask. "She's a very lucky girl." I smile slightly.
"Tabitha." He answered
No... It couldn't be.... Tabitha... The big bad Tabitha mean girl from the orphanage Tabitha?!!
"Tabitha Greene?" I asked.
"Yeah. Do you know her?" He replied curiously.
Oh gosh. "Yes I do actually... She was the meanest girl at the orphanage I was in. Well at least the meanest to me..." I said my eyes as big as saucers. Tabitha had a boyfriend?!?! And he was hot!!!! What no... Ok maybe she changed her last name... No... Ok this is really weird...
"Oh..." He replied rubbing the back of his head and neck.
"Well I should be getting back. It's getting late." I say breaking the silence.
"Oh I can walk you if you like. You know with all the bad things happening these days." He replied starting to head for my street. I giggled
"Ok." We made our way back to my street and stopped in front of my house
"Oh that's weird, Tabitha lives right across the street." He said as he walked me up to my door.
Oh great not only did she have the hottest boy as her boyfriend... She lived next door to me!
"Bye thanks for walking me home." I say as I close the door behind me.
"Who was that walking you home?" Mom smirked at me.
"No one. Just a friend." I smile walking to my room.
"Whatever you say Mia." Mom yelled behind me.
I closed my bedroom door and sat on my bed reaching into my pocket to pull my iPhone that mom had got me out. On top of the phone was a piece of paper with a number scribbled on it and the note 'maybe we can hang out sometime xx - Austin.' I smile knowing how jealous Tabitha would be if I told her that I had her boyfriends number.
"Goodnight Amelia! I love you!" Mom called from downstairs.
"Night mom I love you to!" I scream back.
I finally know what it's like to feel loved.

(A/N) yay! So it's my next chapter what do y'all think ;)

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Luv ya! ❤

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