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*1 month later*

Amelia's POV-

No word came that Austin had gotten Better he was still in a coma.

I needed him here,but no! Ugh!! It was all my fault.

I stared blankly at the what seemed to be dull wall. My hand firmly around Austin's. I had little to no hope. It had been a month since the shooting he should be up by now!

I had denied all help from the outside world even my own mother. The doctors had decided that if Austin didn't wake up in one more week they'd pull the plug.

"Please Austin come back to me." I sighed as the beeping of his heart machine was the only reply I got.

I kissed his hand lightly as I was escorted out of the hospital. I had no hope.

I started to drive home, rain washing the car and the nature around us. I had passed the park where I first meet Austin. Tears came to my eyes as I remembered.


I started to walk to the nearby park. I love the outdoors, especially at night with stars in sight.

I started to walk and daydream. Until I ran into someone. I fell to the ground.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!!" I deep voice said. I look up to see a boy about 17 looking down at me.

I smile "it's ok." I giggle at his adorableness. He reaches his hand out to pull me up, which I gladly take and he pulled me up.

"I'm Amelia Grande." I smile. He smiles back.

"Austin. Austin Mahone."

*end of flashback*

I passed the Starbucks where me and Austin always hung out.

I pulled into the drive way of our house. Coco greeting me at the door. I collapsed to the floor tears everywhere. If he didn't wake up he would die. And I don't know what I would do if he died.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I wanted to be alone. I already had 36 missed calls; most from my mom or Nathan.

I decided just to see who it was maybe it was the doctor saying Austin was better.

I looked at the caller I.D.


Was all it said I quickly answered. "Hello?" I said meekly.

"Is this Miss Grande?" The doctors voice said.

"Um.. Yes yes it's me." I say looking at the floor hoping and praying it was good news.

"You need to get to the hospital right now. We... We can't find his pulse." The doctor said.

'No.' I thought to myself tears streaming down my cheeks.

I hung up quickly and ran out the door to the car speeding to the hospital. 'Please be ok. Please.' I prayed silently.

I rushed through the door of the hospital nurses holding me back saying I needed to stay here.

I sobbed harder. "No you have to let me see him."

The nurse gave me an apologetic look. "He'll be fine love I'm sure of it."

Silent tears rolled down my cheeks 'no he isn't going to be ok! They can't find his flipping heartbeat I don't think that's ok!!!!' I wanted to scream at her but I only sat down and cried.

I heard footsteps come around the corner. First I thought it was the doctor but it was only mom and Nathan. He must have called them.

Mom wrapped her arms around me. Nathan wrapping his arms around both of us.

After about 30 mins the doctor came in to tell us the news.

"He's awake." The doctor smiled.

I ran into Austin's room to see his eyes barely open.

"Hi baby." He whispered as he saw me. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I wrapped my arms tightly around him. He smiled trying to hug me back but he's muscles weren't strong enough.

"In about a week he should be alright to leave." The doctor said.

*next week - lazy ;)*

Austin had come home yesterday. He had been on the couch. I was so happy he was glad.

I sat on his lap. "I love you so much baby girl. More then u will ever know."


(A/N) thank u guys for all ur wonderful comments ❤️ it means so so much to me!



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