Love At First...Fall?

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*dinner time*
I felt a little uncomfortable sitting and eating with Ariana, Frankie, Joan, and Nathan. I mean I usually get really nervous and shy meeting people, but it made it worse that they all were famous!!
"So Amelia. When did you enter the orphanage system?" Nathan asked trying to start a conversation with me.
Mom sent him a death glare "Nathan..." She whispered..
"It's ok." I whispered. "I was 7 when my mom abandoned me.... So I went to an orphanage then..." I answered his question.
Mom and Joan looked at me kindly.
"Oh..." Nathan whispered he probably thought I would just say when I was put in the system.. I looked down and played with my food.
"Well it was nice get together tonight but I think me and Mia should call it a night." Mom said smiling getting up from the table and hugging her mom and Frankie then kissing Nathan good night. I hugged Joan, Frankie and Nathan good night and left with Mom to go back home.
I climbed in the passengers side. The trip home was silent.
"I'm sorry about the Mia, I forgot to tell them not to ask about your past..." Mom whispered
"It's ok..." I mumble looking out the window.
We arrived home and walked into the house to be greeted by Coco.
"Hey mom.. I'm gonna go for a walk." I yell to her as she walked to the kitchen to feed Coco.
"Ok don't go too far." She yelled back.
I started to walk to the nearby park. I love the outdoors, especially at night with stars in sight.
I started to walk and daydream. Until I ran into someone. I feel to the ground.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!!" I deep voice said. I look up to see a boy about 15 looking down at me.
I smile "it's ok." I giggle at his adorableness. He reaches his hand out to pull me up, which I gladly take and he pulled me up.
"I'm Amelia Grande." I smile. He smiles back.
"Austin. Austin Mahone."

(A/N) so yeah! Next chapter :) YAYA

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Luv ya! ❤

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