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Ch. 51 (actually I think this is ch.50.... Oh well)


Amelia's POV-

"We have news about your little boy Luke." A nurse said bursting through the door.

Everything seemed to stop, everything depended on what this nurse would tell us about Luke.

He had to be ok. No one seemed to breathe everyone needed to know if he was ok or not.

"He isn't doing as well as he should be. He is very premature and when he was born he didn't make a sound. Meaning something was wrong. But he is doing better considering his condition." The nurse said. I gripped Austin's hand tighter. He obviously knew what I was thinking.

What if that was our kid? What If our child didn't make it? Then it hit me. Mom didn't even know I was pregnant. I had only told Austin.

I had to tell her. As mom and Nathan listened to the struck instructions of the doctors on how they were going to need to take care of Luke.

I thought of ways to tell them. Austin looked at me questionably. I moved so I was facing away from Mom and Nathan. "I haven't told them I'm pregnant yet." I whispered in his ear.

His eyes widened slightly nodding his head. The doctor had left and the nurse handed Luke in Moms hands as Nathan held Juliet in his arms.

Mom looked at me one eyebrow raised as I turned back around from telling Austin about me not telling them about me being pregnant.

I sigh looking at Austin he nodded. I took a deep breathe hoping they would take the news well. "Me and Austin have something to tell you." I started mom looked at me questionably. "I'm... I... I'm pregnant." The room fell silent.

I gulped nervously. "You... Your pregnant?" Mom asked shocked.

I nodded my head. Mom looked around the room shocked. "This... This is a lot to take in. I mean we just had twins now another baby!" She said rubbing her temples gently.

A tear rolled down my cheek. "How far along are you?" Mom asked changing the subject.

"3 months." I whispered chocked on my tears.

"3 months and now you tell me!" Mom yells.

"I didn't know till a couple days ago!" I defended.

Mom doesn't speak.

A tear rolled down my cheek as I got up to leave, exiting the hospital room.

Austin's POV-

I look at Mia as she leaves the hospital room. Then a look at Ariana.

She knew that Amelia was already scared about the pregnancy but after this Mia is terrified.

I sigh as i go after her. I walk out of the room and run to catch up with her.

I finally did I grabbed her arm and turned her to face me.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. "Baby.. I'm so sorry."

"Imagine what it's going to be like when we tell your mother." Amelia chocked out.

"Don't worry about that now. Ok? Let's just go home and rest you've had a long day and you need to get off your feet love." I say to her. She nodded as we went to the car and drove back home.

Amelia fell asleep on the way home. I smile at her sleeping figure. She needed her rest for both her and the baby.

I still can't believe that Ariana wasn't supportive of Amelia being pregnant. She needed all the support she could get at the moment.

As it was I was the only one that was supportive of her.

I gently pick her body up careful not to damage her or the baby. I opened the door to our house and walked upstairs to our room and laid her into our bed. I kiss her forehead gently before kissing her slightly swollen stomach.

I smiled at the thought of our child. They were going to be perfect.

I got up and went downstairs to answer the phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Austin?" A voice said. My mothers voice.

"Oh. Hi mom." I say I knew We had to tell her that Amelia was pregnant. But how?

My mom continued to babber on about things.

When I cut the silence.

"Mom I need to talk to you."

(A/N) ugh this is horrible I'm sorry :(



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