Happy Birthday

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2 months later

  The girls and I all were at a coffee shop and Spencer's mom and sister were there but not sitting with us .
     "Emily are you sure you don't remember?" Spencer asked
     "I told you I remember someone driving me and someone taking me to that diner" she answered
     "So ladies lets talk about Halloween" Hanna changed the subject
     "Ok what will you guys be?" I asked
     "I was thinking we an do a theme, for the Halloween train" Hanna offered
     "Ok what theme?" Spencer asked
     "A character from a movie or book or show" she answered
      "I like it" Emily agreed. Then Jason came through the doors angrily he walked up to Spencer's mom and started yelling at her about defending Garrett on Alison's case.
      "Control him Aria" Hanna panicked
      "It's not like I have a remote to turn him off" I scuffed at Hanna. Once he headed for the door I followed him.
      "What are you doing?" I asked
     "I'm mad, do you blame me?" He asked
      "No but everyone deserves a good lawyer, what are those?" I asked as he hung a piece of paper. He didn't reply. He just left. I read the flyer. And so did Hanna
       "He has that kind of money?" Hanna asked
       "Yeah" I replied.
      "I'm going home" I told them and left. I walked until I got to my street, I felt like someone was following me but I didn't see anyone. I kept walking and felt like I was being watched I looked around and called out
       "Hello?" I was nervous so I ran the rest of the way home. I entered the house and my mom and dad and Mike were all on the couch together
        "We have been waiting for you sweetie" my mom said and gestured for me to sit. I sat next to Mike on the couch. 
        "Your father and I are getting a divorce but it's ok because we both want this and it isn't your fault" mom said to us and I felt a pounding in my chest the same feeling I had when I saw my dad with Meredith.
Flash back
Alison and I had locked arms as we ran down the street from Mona. We had frozen yogurt my favorite and we switched with each other every so often. We stopped running once Mona stopped following us. We took a corner and we saw a parked car half way in the bushes. We looked in the Windows.
    "Isn't that your dads car?" Alison asked me and I couldn't focus I saw my dad with his student making out in his car. I was discussed. My own father would hurt my mom like this no way. He saw me in the window and made an oh crap face. I ran away and took Ali with me. We ran down the street
    "Ali I need to be alone right now" i told her. I head back to my house and throw out the yogurt. I rush to my room and sit in the rocking chair that my mom used to rock me in and I cried.
End of flash back

"Are you with her again?" I held back tears. My dad was silent and just looked down
"I don't believe you, you rather have a 20 year old slut than a family" I cried and ran to my room and sat in that same rocking chair. I heard Mike yelling at my parents. Why me why my family. My life fell apart after Ali disappeared. The only good things right now are my friends and boyfriend. I really need a hug right now, but I don't want it from my parents. I climbed out my window so I didn't have to pass my parents down stairs. I walked Down the sidewalk. I debated on which door to knock on. Spencer's or Jason's. I made my decision and made my way towards Spencer's house. I knocked on the door and she answered in her pjs.
"I need a Spencer hug" I told her and she hugged me tight and pet my head. After that she let me in and made me tea.
"Aria, it's not any of my business but why are you upset?" Spencer asked and sat next me on the couch
"My parents are getting divorced because my dad just can't cut that slut lose" I mumbled to her. She wrapped her arm around me and placed her head on mine.
"I'm here for you Aria and so are the girls and I'm sure Jason is too" she comforted me
"Yeah" I agreed.
"Hey what do you want for your bday?" Spencer smiled at me
" a day with you girls" I smiled at her and she hugged me again.
"You are cute" she smiled at me
"Thank you" I laughed
"So how are you and Jason?" She asked taking a sip of her tea
"Really good, he's still struggling with the whole body being taken thing but, he's handling it and I'm here for him" I answered Spencer
"That's good, so Toby and I are back together" she told me with a smile and I jumped up
"REALLY! That's great" I smiled at her
       "Aria, promise me that even after college we will still be friends" Spencer put her hands on my shoulders and I put my hands on her shoulders
        "Of course" I smiled and she hugged me again.

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