Baby shower

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2 months later

I'm now 7 months pregnant and I'm a little uncomfortable but nothing terrible. Today is my baby shower that Ali and my mom have planned. Everyone is coming over in a half hour and I'm getting dressed. Ali got ready a while ago and is setting up in the backyard with my mom. Jason went to my parents house to hang out with my dad and he took axel with him. I finished getting dressed and went outside with them.
     "Wow it looks great back here" I said to them.
      "Thanks, look we have games" Alison pulled me over
       "This one is guess what he weight of the babies, and this is guess the birthdate, and this one is names, they write a name they like and put it in the bowl" Alison showed me with a smile.
         "We also have raffles, where you can put a ticket in and later we will pick out of the baskets" my mom said. There were 5 baskets, one with wine related things, another with beach stuff, another with movie theater related things like popcorn and candy, the next one had spa stuff and the last one had baking stuff in it. Everything was really nice and cute. There were cupcakes that had pink icing and cookies with white icing and pink sprinkles.
      "This is all really great thank you" I gave then both a hug. Everyone started to arrive. Hanna, Spencer, Emily, Mona, my two cousins Amanda and Katie, obviously my mom and Alison and a few other family members.
    They all came in and we had fun. They did the games and put their tickets in a basket for the raffles. A lot of them put names in the bowl.  Everyone had fun and they ate a lot of food.
     The time came where with pulled from the raffle baskets and I opened gifts. The girls meaning Hanna, Spencer, Emily and Alison, bought me one of the cribs with baby toys and outfits inside. My mom bought a double high chair for us. Everyone else got the babies toys, books and outfits.

After everyone left, Alison, my mom and I put together the cribs and high chairs and set up the baby room. We put clothes in the closets and the cribs next to each other. The room themes was Winnie the Pooh characters, mainly eeyore. Jason came home and looked everything.
      "When I left this morning it was an empty room" he laughed
       "Yeah it was" I took a deep breath.
"What's this?" Jason picked up the bowl of names
"It's a bowl of names" I answered. He sat down on the rocking chair and I sat on the foot rest next to him. He started pulling out names and we either vetoed them or put them to the side to think about. At the end we had 4 names and we had to pick two.

Hey guys sorry it's really short but the next one will be good

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