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3 months later

   It's been 3 months since I announced my pregnancy. My mom is head over heals, she knows she probably won't get grand children from Mike. She's kind of been suffocating me lately though. I had to get maternity clothes. They are very comfy and lose. Jason keeps saying I look adorable, yeah that's what you want to hear from your husband, that you are adorable. Alison and my mom took control of planning my baby shower. I've been spending a lot of time with axel. He is very easy to watch and play with. It makes me really want a boy too. My kid and Axel can play together and share interests.
I was sitting in the couch reading a parenting magazine and looking at baby furniture. Then Jason walked in and sat with me.
"Hi babe" he said all perky and I looked at him weirdly
"What happened?" I asked
"Nothing, why, want anything?" He asked with a smile which was scaring me.
"No, but what's up?" I asked
"I want to find out what we are having, you know I'm not good with surprises" he begged and sat next to me. The past month Jason and I have been going back and forth with finding out the sex of the baby.
"You know what, ok" I caved
"Wait seriously?" Jason seemed surprised
"Yeah, I mean it might be better, we can prepare for the baby and pick names" I answered. Jason smiled and hugged me.
"When is your next appointment?" Jason asked me
"4 weeks, I had one 2 days ago" I told him. He sighed in annoyance.
"But, we can call" I offered
"Call, call!" Jason begged. I got the phone and dialed the doctors off. The women picked up and asked why we are calling.
"Well we wanted to find out the sex of our Baby" I said
"Would you like to come in for an appointment, the doctor has time now" the secretary told me. After I talked to the women, Jason and I got in the car. We drove to the doctors office. We got in the waiting room and talked. Then the nurse called for us. We walked in and I sat on the table and Jason walked around the room. The nurse and in again. She started pulling files up on the computer. Jason still walked back and forth in the room and was making me dizzy.
"Ok mr and mrs. Dilaurentis, you are to find out the sex of the babies, correct?" The nurse asked. Jason wasn't exactly paying attention so I corrected her.
"Baby" I said.
"Excuse me?" The nurse turned and looked confused
"You said babies, it's just one" I said and she laughed and then Jason stopped walking and stood still and looked at her the same way I was, with confusion. She turned the monitor and showed us a past ultrasound photo.
"Sweeties, you are having two babies, not one, what god damn doctor told you that y'all were having one" she laughed. Jason and I stood still and stared at each other and her. I suddenly didn't feel good again. I grabbed the trash can that was in the room and threw up a few times into it. The nurses eyes widened and Jason had a concerned look.
"I'm 5 months pregnant! How did I not know I was having twins!" I yelled. Jason walked closer to me and tried to calm me down.
"I don't know, sometimes when you get a new doctor they assume you already know so they don't say anything" she told us.
"Would you still like to know the sex of the baby?" She asked and we nodded.
" well congratulations, you two are having two little girls" she told us and left the room. Jason and I were quiet but he came and hugged me and gave me a kiss on the head. He kept his arms around me as we looked at the ultrasound photo. The two babies were just sitting next to each other. How did we not notice.
We left the doctors office and went home. As soon as we went home we went and checked the other photos and looked closely and saw that there were two.
"Guess we have to buy two of everything" I smiled. Jason nodded and put his arm around me. We walked into the kitchen where Ali was feeding axel and Emily was there too.
"Hey where were you two?" Ali asked us
"The doctors, we went to find out the sex of the baby" I said, I wasn't gonna give it away yet.
"Oh really! What is it?" She turned away from axel be Emily stopped looking in her magazine.
"A girl" I said with a smile and looked at Jason
"And a girl" he said after me. They both gave us confused looks.
"What's that mean?" She asked
"It turns out that they are twins" I told her and a smile appeared across both Emily and Alison's faces. The came over and hugged both of us.

Later that night I was sitting in Alison's room watching axel as he slept. How am I going to raise two of babies. More money and less space. Im scared I have to admit. I started to cry. Alison entered the room.
"Aria what's wrong?" She asked
"How am I going to raise two, I wasn't sure if I could handle one"I cried in a whisper. She put her arm around me
"You will be fine Aria, you have Jason, you two will be great parents" she smiled and gave me a hug.

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