Fire meet Gasoline

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The next morning I woke up with Alison next to me. I quietly got out of the bed and walked to the bathroom and brushed my hair and tied it into a small pony tail, it's hard because my hair is short and then bushed my teeth. I went back into the room and got work out shorts and    My work out crop top. I changed and left the room again. I walked down stairs. I grabbed a water. I was about to walk outside when I saw Jason on the porch. He had work out clothes on. I slipped my sneakers on and walked outside on the porch. He heard the door shut and turned and saw me
"Oh hey Aria, what are you doing up?" He asked me
"I'm going for a morning run, how about you?" I asked him.
"I'm going for a run too, wanna go together?" Jason offered
"uh yeah sure" I agreed and we started running. We talked while we ran.
"So where have you been living? Are you still in rosewood?" Jason asked me
"No, I am in New York right now looking for a job, how about you?"I answered him.
"I have been all over, but next week I'm going to New York for a few weeks or months for work" Jason told me
"That's good, somewhere that there is a lot to do and see" I said to him and he nodded
"What are you listening to?" Jason asked me, pointing at my earbuds. I can't run without music.
"Twenty one pilots, what about you?" I asked
"I'm listening to them too, I wouldn't think of you liking them" Jason gave me a curious look
"The songs are about relatable stuff" I told him. We ran for a few miles. We got back to the house around 8am. We walked in the house. We were both out of breath.
"Want coffee of something?" Jason asked
"I'll grab a water" I said and headed to the fridge. I took a sip of water.
"It was nice to not run a lone" Jason told me and I smiled
"Yeah the company was nice" I sipped my water again.
"So how has the past 4 years been for you?" I asked Jason and leaned on the counter across from him .
"Well, I went to rehab, then, all that stuff with A happened, I had to do some physical therapy after Charlotte paralyzed me, I've been doing my work for the carasimi, and some traveling, that's pretty much it" Jason answered
"Interesting life" I laughed
"Thanks" he laughed knowing I was being sarcastic. Then Alison walked down the stairs
"Hey you two, how long were you guys up?" She asked
"2 hours maybe" I answered
"Ok, well once dad wakes up we can go to the beach" she said and got coffee for herself.

We headed to the beach. I had a bag and a towel to lay on. I laid my towel down in between Ali's and Jason's. Alison and I laid on our stomachs and talked. Jason's as laying on his back next to us.
"So I've been trying to get Charlotte out of the hospital, but I'm having a hard time" Ali told me
"well maybe you should wait longer, she has had a hard life and needs help" I said to Alison
"yeah true, so how is New York City, have you found a guy there, or some awesome friends?" Alison asked interested
"No, most of the guys in New York are asses and no other friends can top you and the girls." I smiled at her and she smiled too
"So no boyfriends since Ezra, really? Not even a tiny crush?" Alison asked me
"Nope" I answered
"Come on, I moved on faster than you did and I was in love with Emily" Alison lifted her sunglasses
"Ezra was just a rebound, sadly, the person I was in love with I never fully got over" I told Alison
"Why not?" She was confused
"Because it's harder when they don't hurt you, by cheating or something like that" I answered.
"Now you have me thinking about Emily, I have to go for a walk" Alison stood up and walked away. I laid on my back. Every thought I ever had started running through my mind. It hurt. I put my hands on my head, hoping that would make it stop, but it didn't.
           "You ok?" Jason asked and I turned and looked at him
           "Have you ever had that feeling where every thought that you ever had, just comes back and spins in your head?" I asked him and I turned on my side and so did he.
            "Yeah, I have" he answered.
            "I just want the thoughts to go away" I sighed. He stood up and looked down at me.
            "Wanna go in the water" Jason offered. I lifted my sunglasses and he saw I had a weird look on my face
           "What?" Jason asked
           "I'm afraid of the ocean" I felt embarrassed to admit.
           "Really? Well don't you want to over come the fear?" Jason ask me
           "Yeah, I really do, but I always get freaked out when I go near it" I told him
           "Come on, I'm gonna help you" Jason pulled me up.
            "Oh you're insane" my eyes widened
           "I won't let you get hurt, I promise"  he said and dragged me to the water. As soon as the water touched my ankles I felt like a monster grabbed me and was about to take me. I started breathing heavily. Jason turned to look at me. He put his hand on my shoulder
           "Come on Aria, you'll be ok" he promised and we continued walking. The water got to my waist. I was trying to stay calm. I just had to breath in through my nose and out through my mouth.
         "oh god" I shook. Jason was behind me just in case something happened.
         "Aria, you good?" Jason checked on me
          "Yeah" I took a deep breath. I walked deeper. Then there was a big drop and I fell under the water. I got scared and freaked out. Then I felt someone pick me up. I came above water and moved my hair out of my face. Jason was holding me bridal style in the water. I was catching my breath. I saw that he was trying not to laugh.
"I know you want to laugh" I laughed
"I'm not laughing" he started laughing.
"Liar" I hit his shoulder. He started putting me down.
"Wait what are you doing?" I asked nervous
"Putting you down" he answered confused
"No" I commanded
"Ok but I'm not holding you like this in the ocean" he laughed.
"I'm gonna have to hold you like a toddler" he laughed and so did I. I wrapped my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his waist.
           "Thanks" I laughed
           "You're welcome" he smiled. I started playing with his hair. Every time a wave came I took a deep breath in.
           "You have nicer hair than I do" I told him and he laughed
            "Thanks" he continued to laugh
            "If we get you flannels and Warby Packers you can be a hipster" I laughed.
              "No" he laughed then dipped me back underwater. I came up and whipped my eyes
             "What the hell" I laughed.
             "Do you not like that" he laughed
             "Obviously I don't" I laughed and he dipped me back again.
              "Jason stop" I squealed.
              "Fine, but don't get me anything that would make me a hipster" we both laughed
              "Deal" I agreed. The waves started getting tougher.
               "We should get out, it's getting rough" Jason said and he put my down and held me on his back until we got shallow enough. He put me down and we walked up to the towels.
         "I'm surprised Alison isn't back" I said. I started walking the direction that Alison walked 2 hours ago. I walked and walked until I found her. She was sitting against a fence holding up her phone. I looked down at her
        "Alison, you have been gone for two hours, what's wrong?" I asked her
        "I just miss her" she showed me the picture of Emily.
         "But you have that Doctor" I said
        "He's no Emily" she looked up
         "Yeah, but if you and Emily loved each other, you will get back together again" I helped her up.
         "I guess you are right, did you go in the water?" Ali asked me
         "Yeah" I scuffed
        "I thought you were afraid?" Ali was confused
          "I know that's what I said" we started walking back. We got back and laid on our towels. Ali and I fell asleep. When we woke up it was 5:00. We started getting our stuff together to leave. We went back to the house and I went and showered.
I turned on the water and got into the shower. I put the shampoo and conditioner in and ran my fingers through my short light hair. I rinsed out the soaps. Then got out of the shower and wrapped my body with the towel. I walked out of the bathroom and of course bumped into Jason. I was having disavow!
"Hi Aria" he awkwardly smiled.
"Hi" I walked away fast and went into the bed rooms and changed. Alison was in there.
"Does this look ok?" She asked me showing me a fancy dress. I was confused of why she was wearing it.
"Yeah it's really pretty but why are you wearing it?" I asked her and slipped on shorts and a tank top.
"Ok don't hate me, but I'm taking my dad out tonight" she told me. I sighed
"You guys are leaving me here" I asked
"No you will be here with Jason, you two get a long don't you?" She asked
"Yeah we do, why are you taking your dad out?" I asked
"I want to spend time with him alone when I can, he moved away a while ago and I never see him" she answered and I sighed
"Ok, have fun" I gave her a hug. She left with her dad. After a few minutes I walked down stairs to see Jason on the couch, watching tv,
"Hey, what do you want for dinner I was gonna order" Jason asked me.
"Just order a pizza, we can run again in the morning" I smiled
"Ok" he dialed the restaurant and ordered. After that it was silent for a little while.
"What do you want to do?" He asked
"Maybe a game?" I offered
"There are games in that cabinet" he pointed and I went and looked. There was 'sorry', 'candy land', and cards.
"Want to play cards?" I asked him
"Sure, wanna play go fish?" Jason asked
"Sure" I replied and sat on the floor. He joined me on the floor. I hand out the cards.
"Ok, you go first" he said
"Ok, do you have any two's?" Jason asked
"Nope, go fish" I said and he picked up a card. We played for a while.
"Have any six's?" Jason asked
"Yeah" I answer. Then I threw it at him. It hit his arm hard
"Ow, how the hell did you do that?" He asked amazed
"My grandma taught me" I answered
"That's awesome" he was amazed
"Wanna see something better" I asked and he nodded. I picked up the half full water bottle and put it a certain distance away from me.
"If you throw it just right, you can hit down the bottle" I told him and focused. I threw the card and the bottle went right down.
"Let me try" Jason said.
"Just flick your wrist, fast, like a Frisbee" I told him and he threw the card and got the bottle down.
"Nice" I high fived him. Then the food came and we ate. After we ate just hung out and talked.
"I have a question" Jason said
"Does Alison still like Emily?" He asked me
"No, she loves her" I answered him.
"Then why aren't they together?" Jason asked confused
"Things got tough, and they broke up because Emily needed to focus on herself" I told him.
"Like what happened to us" Jason looked at me. Ugh I didn't want to bring up this conversation
"Yeah, exactly" I tried not to tear up
"You know I never moved on from us" he told me. I couldn't look at him
"Neither did I, Ezra was just a rebound, for me, I thought eventually, I could fall in love with him but I didn't" I told Jason. I stood up.
"I'm going to get ready for bed" I said and started heading for the door but then Jason stood up and cups my face and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around him. We continued kissing. He carried me up the stairs and we went into his room and he threw me on the bed. He threw his shirt off and He came over me and continued kissing me.

After a while. We both fell back on the bed next to each other. We were both out of breath.
"I better go into, my room, so when Ali gets back she's not curious" I told him and put clothes on.
"Aria, I still love you" Jason stared into my eyes. I went on the bed and put my hand on his cheek and kissed him deeply.
"And I'm in love with you still" I kissed his cheek and left his room. I went into Ali and mine. I leaned my back against the door and bit my lip and smiled.

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