With Love

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I was out to breakfast with the girls. We went to the Radley. The food was really good. Spencer then pulled out 4 little bags. And handed them to us
"I was thinking after everything that has happened, you guys are my really family and I know you all have my back" she smiled as we opened the gold necklaces that had our names on them. We put them on. Then Alison raised her glass
"To our friendship and to Aria on your engagement" I smiled at Alison
"I better be a brides maid" Hanna said.
"Are you kidding me, you are all going to be up there with me" we hit our glasses together. The waitress brought Ali the check and she opened it. Alison face dropped.
"Ali, what is it?" Emily asked.
"Roses are red, Violets are blue, you killed Rollins and I could have killed you" she read out of the check book. Then we saw police come behind Alison. They went past her though and went to the elevator where there was a crowd of people. The girls and I stood up and joined the crowd. Emily went and asked someone. Emily came back
"Someone found a body" she answered. And shortly after that, the police brought the body out of the elevator and left with it.

I went home. Ezra had wedding stuff spread out everywhere.
"Wow" I was speechless. I sat next to him. We started talking about the wedding. I could tell he was getting overwhelmed.
"Ezra we don't need everything you know" I put my hand on his
"I know...... I have an Idea" he said and I gave him my attention
"We elope" I gave him an odd look
"Not like that, but in Italy, we can be in the Tuscan sun by Friday and be married" the idea sounded appealing after everything that was happening.
"Ok" I smiled and he gave me a kiss. We cleaned everything up and put it in the kitchen. Ezra and I started looking at photos and flights.
"Don't you think it would seem weird if we leave now? I mean someone just died" I said to Ezra
"Yeah but you didn't kill anyone...... did you?" He asked with a joking voice. I gave him a look.
"We can leave tomorrow" he said.
"Ok" I gave him a kiss and then I got a text.

Jason: Can you meet me at the Brew?
Aria: yeah sure, since when are you in town?
Jason: a few hours ago I got here
Aria: oh ok, I'll see you in a few

I told Ezra I was leaving and I went to the brew. I went in and ordered a coffee. I sat at a table and waited for Jason. Why did he want to meet with me. We didn't exactly leave things off on great terms. Then I saw him walk through the doors. He was even more muscular now than ever and he still had longer hair and beard, But I like it. He ordered a coffee then came over and sat with me.
"Hi" he greeted me with a smile
"Hey, it's nice to see you again" I smiled at him
"So how are you?" I asked him
"In doing good, it's just great to get a call saying that my sister was in a mental institution because of her husband and now I have an aunt that helped her get out" he sighed
"Wait you didn't know about all that before?" I asked
"No, I didn't even know Alison got married" he told me
"Oh wow, Elliot told us that you agreed with his treatments towards Ali" I told him. He took a deep breath and changed the subject
"So you look great" he smiled
"I'm engaged" I blurted out. Dear god how many times in my life will I do something like that. I rolled my eyes at myself.
"To.... Liam?" He asked
"No actually to.... Ezra" I answered. He had a surprised look on his face.
"Well congratulations" he smiled
"How about you and the Disney princess?" I asked
"You mean Jasmine?" He laughed
"I couldn't remember her name I just remembered that a princess had the same name" I laughed too
"Yeah we broke up when she left for California" he told me
"Oh I'm sorry" I said
"Thanks.... but um I asked you here because I need your help with Ali" he said and I raised an eyebrow
"Why?" I asked
"She's completely under Mary's spell, she trusts her too much..... before I came I checked the accounts in the carasimi group.. it's completely drained of funds" he told me
"So Mary and Elliot took everything?" I asked
"Yeah, and I want you to help me to get Ali to see the light a little or the dark side of Mary" he told me.
"Yeah I'll help you" I answered
"Ok good, tonight I have to have dinner with Mary and Ali, come over for dinner" he said. That will be the most awkward dinner ever.
"Ok" I said. I stood up, to leave. He stood up too.
"It really was nice to see you again Jason" I smiled at him
"You too" he smiled.

Hours later

I walked up the drive way of the Dilaurentis house. I rang the door bell. I was nervous, why. Oh I know because this dinner is with, the mysterious Mary, the vulnerable Ali and the stubborn Jason. I saw the door open and Jason stood there.
"Come in" he smiled and I walked in. I turned the corner and saw Mary and Alison. Ali looked so confused. I sat with them and Mary poured me wine. I didn't say much. I mainly observed and Jason did the same. Mary tried to talk to him but his answered were one worded or no words just a nod of the raise of an eyebrow.
We ate a first course. Why are there courses? Mary cleaned up and as soon as she left the room Ali went off on Jason.
"This dinner was about you getting to know Mary, and you've said 2 words to her" she whispered angrily.
"Oh I have words Ali, I just don't think you are willing to hear them" he said to her
"Why are you here" Ali asked me aggressively and I stuttered over words that she just let it go.
"You could at least try" she tried to keep her voice down.
"Ali, I think Jason is just worried that you are trusting Mary more than you should" I backed up Jason
"Oh I see, it's 2 against one" she scuffed then Mary came back in the room.
"This is my famous recipe" she said setting the dish on the table
"Huh, you say it's your" Jason asked. Oh god. I saw Ali roll her eyes.
"Well my mother used to make this for our birthdays" Jason told her
"Well I guess it's a family recipe" Mary said.
"Oh yeah or did you steal it like you stole her necklace" Jason pointed to the ballerina on a chain on Mary's neck.
"Jason, I gave it to her" Ali said across the table. That's where Jason got mad, angrier than he was already.
"Ali, why, it's not hers she's not mom" he yelled. I put my hand on his and gave him a look telling to calm down and he did immediately. I knew how to calm Jason down when he needed it. I quickly pulled my hand away. Then I looked at Ali and saw her giving me and him a curious look, like she knew our past.
"Your mother took many things from me, including this necklace, and as soon as you two got to the age where you remembered things, I wasn't aloud near you, but I did see Jason some time ago, I was at aunt carols house, I saw you talking to your mother outside, you were hurt with scratches, but that was the day she told me that Charles was dead, she wouldn't tell me anything about him and she said that I may have given birth but he was her son, she locked herself in the storm cellar the rest of the night" she took a sip of wine
"Aunt carol had a storm cellar?" Ali asked and gave me a look saying 'we are going there' it was 10pm and realized I should go. I got up and said goodbye to Ali and Mary. Jason walked me out.
"Thanks for coming, I know it was a painful dinner" he gave a sad smile.
"You know what, I'm kinda glad I came, I got to know Mary a little better" I smiled.
"Well good night Aria" he smiled
"Night Jason" I smiled then left. I went to the Radley to talk to Emily about everything that happened

I told Emily about the storm cellar.
"We can go tomorrow" Emily said
"I can't" I told her
"Why?" She asked
"Ezra and I are going to elope" I told her and her face lit up but mine fell
"Wait I can't do that, not have you guys there" I realized
"Aria it's fine, go get married" she smiled and hugged me. After that I went home and started to pack and stuff.

Tomorrow night

Ezra and I were finishing packing. We were getting ready to leave when someone knocked on the door. Ezra opened it and the police stood there. Oh no.
"Ezra Fitz, do you know a girl named Nicole that was taken and killed in Columbia a while back?" The officer asked
"Yes, I do, why?" He asked
"We have reasons to believe she is alive" Ezra's jaw dropped open in shock and so did mine

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