Ex's and Oh's

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I woke up the next morning, with a smile and Ali sound asleep. I did the same thing I did the morning before. I got ready for a run and walk downstairs. Again Jason was on the porch about to leave when I walk out.
     "Hey, are you running?" He asked me.
     "Yeah, let's go" I said we started running. We did the same thing we did yesterday, talked, laughed and listened to music, as if nothing happened last night. After about 20 minutes of running. I stopped and he stopped seeing me.
"What's wrong?" He asked me
"Are we just going to ignore what happened last night?" I asked catching my breath
"No, why would we?" He caught his breath too
"We have been running for the past 20 minutes together and we are bringing it up now?" I said
"Ok well let's talk about it then" he paused
"I love you Aria, that hasn't changed, I would kill to get back together, but if you think last night was a mistake then that's ok" Jason's words hit me hard for some reason.
"Jason, I don't think last night was a mistake, and I've never gotten over you, you were the light of that time for me, I want to get back together too" I told him. He didn't say anything else he just kissed me. I was on cloud 9. The best place on earth. Then I pulled away
"are we going to tell Ali?" I asked him
"No, it can be our little secret" he smiled and kissed me again.
         "Let's finish our run, then head back" I said and we continued our run. Once we finished we headed back to the house and Alison and Mr. D were a wake and getting ready for the beach. Jason and I went up and got bathing suits on.
       "Aria, I know you are terrified of the ocean but will you go in a little bit? Jason and I love the water" Alison asked and I could see she didn't want to leave me
       "Maybe" I said and she smiled. We headed up to the beach and laid on our towels just like yesterday.
       "So Aria, what do you do?" Mr Dilaurentis asked me
      "I want to be a writer or something a long those lines, I'm still job hunting" I answered him and nodded
       "You must have a creative mind if you like writing" he said and Alison nodded
        "She does, that's why I love you, you always were that way, creative" Alison gave me a smile. It reminded me of when we were younger before she disappeared. I just smiled I didn't know how to respond.
"So are you heading back to New York in the morning?" Alison asked me
"Yeah, well drive back together to your house then, back to NY" I answered
"I'm gonna miss you, we should do this again" she said
"Let's just enjoy now" I smiled.
"I'm going in the water, Jason you coming?" She asked and stood up
"In a few minutes" he promised and she left. He moved closer to me.
"Are you going to go in?" He asked me
"If you hold me" I laughed and he did too
"Deal, why are you so scared of the ocean?" Jason asked
"Because when I was younger, a wave took me down and I couldn't get up, I got stuck in the riptide and almost drowned" I answered him. His jaw dropped.
"Wow, I'm sorry I didn't know that Aria, I wouldn't have made you go in yesterday if I knew" he apologized. I could tell he felt bad
"It's ok Jason, I'm not as scared any more, come on" I pulled him up and we headed for the water. Once it got to my waist I got on Jason's back.
"At least you're in the water Aria" Alison laughed because I was like a child that couldn't reached the ground in the water.
"Yeah" I laughed. Alison dove under the water and I watched her making sure she came back up. A bunch of big waves came and I started breathing heavily. I just need to breathe. It won't hurt me, And Jason's holding me, I'm ok. I was talking to myself in my head. Then Alison saw a huge wave from a distance.
          "Oh shit" she said. I started shaking. I tightened my grip on Jason.
          "Aria, it doesn't matter how tight your grip is on me, we both are going under" he told me. The wave came and crashed down on all of us. I fell off of Jason and fell underwater.
Flash back- Aria is 10
  I was playing in the ocean with my dad and Mike. Mike and I were splashing each other and having fun. A few big waves came our way and we drove in them.
     "Be careful, guys" my mom called and Mike waved her off. Then I noticed how far out we were, the lifeguard blew his whistle. Then a huge waves crashed on me and my dad and Mike. The wave took me and held me, I came up and couldn't get to my dad or Mike, I was in the tide. The life guard blew his whistle like crazy. I couldn't touch the ground. My legs grew tired I fell under the water and eventually passed out.
    Next thing I knew I was laying on a towel on the beach with people and paramedics surrounding me. My mom and dad hugged me, seeing that I was awake and a live.
End of flashback
  I felt Jason pick me up bridal style. Alison and Jason stared at me as I started to cry. I wrapped my arms right around Jason's neck hugging him.
     "Maybe we should get out" Alison offered and Jason carried me to my towel. I laid there and played with a shell. My eyes burned from the tears and salt water. Alison fell asleep on her towel and so did mr D. Jason tapped my shoulder and moved closer to me.
     "Aria, are you ok? " he asked me
     "Yeah, I am, I'm just a little shook" I answered. Jason grabbed my hand
       "You don't seem ok though" Jason looked right in my eyes. I told him the story of what happened when I was 10.   
       "Aria, I feel horrible about making you go in the water, why don't we go back to the house, pack and have some alone time" Jason offered 
       "No seriously Jason, I'm fine, but I do think a lone time with you is what I need" I smiled and grabbed our things. We left a note on a napkin for Ali and Mr. D. We walked back to the house. We both showered and changed. We went on the porch together.
       "So when are you coming to New York?" I asked Jason.
        "3 days" he smirks and I smiled back. I got up and went over to Jason and sat on his lap.
       "I'll be counting down the minutes" I kissed him deeply. Then my phone buzzed I looked at it.
       "Who is it?" Jason asked
       "Alison, she is just saying she will be back in less then an hour" I told him.
        "Ok" he kissed me again. We sat on the porch for a while. I laid my head on Jason chest and played with his hair.
        "Can I braid your hair?" I asked him
        "maybe in my sleep, but not while I'm awake" he smiled and kissed my head. It was 5pm and I wanted to sleep. I shut my eyes while laying on Jason. He held me so I wouldn't fall off his lap. He rested his head on mine. I was about to fall asleep when I heard him start humming. He was humming the tune of dream a little dream of me. I started singing to his humming. Jason kissed my head. Ugh I've missed him so much. Then I got a text from Alison,
Alison: coming back to the house now, can you guys order dinner?
Aria: ok, do you want pizza?
Alison: perfect👍🏻
I got up and went inside. Jason followed me. I called in the order and five minutes later Ali and their dad walked in the house.
"Hey Aria, how are you doing?" She asked me
"Good" I smiled at her
"That's good, I'm going to shower" she went up the stairs. Mr D didn't say a word, he just went upstairs with Alison.
"I better go pack" I kissed Jason's cheek then went upstairs. I took out my clothes from drawers and put them in my bag. Alison walked in after her shower.
"Hey, you're packing?" She asked
"Yeah, are you ok?" I asked because she had a weird look on her face.
"Yeah, just my dad has been really quiet and weird this whole week end and I don't know what's wrong" Alison answered and I saw she had a lot running through her mind.
"I'm sure he's fine Alison" I assured her. She gave a sad smile and I left the room so she could get dressed.


I was sitting on the porch step a lone. Looking out at the sky. I don't want to leave. I didn't think I would have fun this weekend but I actually did. I missed Alison a lot more than I thought. I miss the other girls too. I'll see them one day soon hopefully. I stood up and headed inside. When I wake up in the morning Alison's and I have to drive home.

  Sorry it took a little longer to write this chapter. I had writers block😁 I'm good now and hope this chapter is ok, it's not my bests but, the next one will be good I promise!
                             ~Nicole 😘

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