Tear in my heart

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Next Friday

   The girls and I went to meet mrs. Grunwald. We were meeting her where "Ali" was buried. We waited for her
      "How do we know she's coming" Hanna scuffed
      "She is" Spencer assured her. Then we watched as she walked around the corner. She approached us. We said Hello and introduced ourselves. She closed her eyes and pointed her chin up.
       "She's here" she stared at us. Her eyes were so blue, they were scary.
       "She's alive, but she's in danger" she said. We looked at each other. 
        "Is that all?" Hanna was annoyed. Grunwald walk and  nodded. We left

    After we left we went back to Hannas house. Her mom was in the kitchen working on something.
     "Hello ladies" she greeted us. 
     "Hey mrs Marin" I greeted back.
     "Can I ask you ladies a favor?" She asked us and we gave her our attention. 
     "Will you model wedding dresses for Jessica's fashion show?" She asked with begging eyes. We all nodded yes and went up to Hanna's  room. 
"Why did we agree to do that?" Hanna asked
"It's the only way we can get up to Ali's room, without breaking and entering" Spencer said
"We have to find clues" I told Hanna and she understood I had a head ache and the girls made it worse by talking in circles. I just wanted to shut my eyes and sleep.
"Guys I have a head ache, I'm gonna go home" I told them and then left. I walked home. I walked pass the Dilaurentis house. Mrs D was outside gardening.
"Hello Aria" she stood up and waved. I waved back at her
"Nice to see you mrs D" I smiled at her then continued walking. I went home. I went to my room. I tried calling Jason a few times. I should give up on finding him, I'm not going to. I laid on my bed.
3 weeks Later
I was putting on a wedding dress. I can't believe I agreed to do this, mrs D doesn't even want us here. I looked at Hanna she looked really pretty. So did the others. I looked in the mirror at myself.
"I always thought the first time I wore a wedding dress I would be getting married" I looked at how the dress fit me. My mom came over.
"Sweetie you look beautiful" she put a veil on my head.
"Thanks mom" she kissed my cheek. She left again and I went to the girls.
"So who is heading upstairs to look in Alison's room" Hanna asked. We all looked at Emily.
"Ok I guess me" Emily sighed.
"What about the living room?" Spencer asked. No one answered
"I'll go" I offered. Spencer and Hanna distracted everyone. I went into the living room to figure out what I'm looking for. I love when Spencer doesn't tell me what to find. I can't with her. I walked into the room and saw Jason bent down fixing wires. Oh my god, he's back.
"Jason" I was in shock. He just appeared. He stood up and gave me a smile
"Hey, I was hoping you would be here" we looked at each other not knowing what to do. Then I rushed over and hugged him and gave him a kiss.
"You look beautiful in this dress" he smiled at me
"Thanks, now where the hell were you! I was so worried" I asked him and he sighed
"Ok so, I got away because I thought Wilden was after me. I was doing fine I was in New York. Then something happened and I got into drinking again" he looked down afraid of my reaction.
"I'm sorry" I didn't know how to respond
"So I went to rehab and with in a week I was fine again, but then I fell off the wagon again, I did the same thing and ended up back there. All I wanted to do was go home to you but I couldn't. I should really be there now, but I needed to see your face" he told me and stared at me. I bit my lip. I need to cry but I couldn't.
"Jason I wish you just told me, even if it was a text, I want you to get better" I grabbed his hand and held back tears. I could tell he was holding the tears back too.
"I didn't want you to worry" he answered
"Jason, I haven't slept" I shook my head
"I want you to get better and that's why I'm.... Im breaking up with you" I stuttered. How could I let those words slip from my lips.
"No Aria no" he had a tear escape his eye
"Jason, the reason you aren't getting help is because of me and that's hurting you and pulling you down, and you know it's pulling me down too" I let go of his hand. I slowly backed away from him. More tears fell from his eyes.
"I love you Aria, please, don't do this" he cried to me. My lip quivered trying not to cry.
"I love you too, but I need someone that won't pull me down with them and I want you to get better" I backed away and turned the corner. I cried hard as I walked away from him. I ran over and found the girls. Emily Hugged me and I cried to her. I explained what happened and she comforted me and hug me and that's all I needed. We went up to Alison's room so I could calm down.
"Where's Spencer?" I asked whipping a tear. Right then Spencer came barging in with a ripped dress and dirt all over her.
"I thought I saw Alison, so I chased her but it was just mrs D" she caught her breath. Then Emily's phone rang. It was an unknown caller. She picked up and put it on speaker.
"How did you guys find out I was alive?" It was Alison. Alison was talking in the phone holy crap.
"Ali is that you?" I asked into the phone
"Yeah, it's me, listen I'm in New York" she said. Alison gave us an address to meet at. The girls and I went and we changed and got in Spencer's car. We went on our way to New York. Emily seemed nervous the whole time.
"Emily what's wrong" I asked her
"I was in love with Ali, what if those feelings come back?" She asked.
"I don't think you can control feelings Em, if you know how to, can you teach me" I gave a sad smile. She hugged me again.
We arrived at the address and walked in. Noel khan walked us to where we were suppose to sit.
"Why is Noel here?" I asked confused
"I don't know" Spencer shrugged. We waited in silence for Alison to come in. Suddenly the door knob slowly moved and Alison walked through the doors. We all stood up. We rushed over to her and hugged her tight.
"You are real! You're here" I played with her hair and she smiled at me. We all went back to the couches. But before Emily returned to the couches she surprised Alison with a slow and passionate kiss. She pulled away from Ali
"Wow" Alison gasped for air. Then they returned to the couches like nothing happened. Spencer and I stared at each other confused. Alison told us her whole story. I was already emotional tonight and this made it worse.
       "I'm so sorry Alison" I cried to her Ali stood up and led us to a restaurant. We looked around. Then a bullet came through the window. We all looked at each other in panicked
        "What the hell was that?" I panicked
        "Run" Ali yelled. So we did before we knew it a person in a black hoodie was chasing us with a gun. They fired a few times but missed us! Thank god! We kept running up stairs until we reached the roof and couldn't go anywhere else. We all backed up as A held a gun at us
        "Drop the gun" Hanna yelled
       "And take off your mask" Spencer yelled too. Then someone came through the steel door.
         "Ezra?" I asked so confused
        "Are you guys ok?" he asked then he turned and saw A. He stared and went in front of all of us. He slowly approached A. Then started fighting with him. A escaped. We all hugged each other thankful we were ok. Ezra was ok too thank god. I gave him a hug.
         "Aria, I know this isn't the best time to ask but, will you have dinner with me? I want to go with you" he smiled
          "I would love to, but I need time, I'm not over the person I just broke up with" I took a deep breath. 
           "I understand" he smiled and I gave him another hug.

    We were all headed to the police station. Alison was ready to come home. We walked in and a detective met with us right away
     "Tell us everything" the guy said. We agreed we would all tell the truth but that's not what Ali did.
      "I was kidnapped" she blurted out. She went with that story and everything she said was written down my him. The girls and I were so confused.
        "So you thought it was safer to go to your friends rather than the police?" He asked and she nodded. Then her dad came through the door. She got up and hugged him tight.
         "Where's her mom?" Emily asked me. I shrugged my shoulders. He took Alison home. I went to my house and Hanna went home. Emily stayed at Spencer's for the night. I had a million texts from Jason. One stood out to me though
Jason: Aria, please, don't end us, we have something clearly and I need you in my life, please!
Aria: we do have something, but I'm not going to be selfish and have you, when you need help, Jason I'm doing this because I love you

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