God I wish I never spoke

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1 week later

  I went sat outside Ezra's door. He wouldn't let me in. He has been mad at me for a week. Why can't he let it go. I knocked again. He answered this time
     "Aria what?" He asked angry. I saw that he was upset in his eyes
     "It meant nothing when I said Jason's name" I told him
       "Aria, maybe it meant nothing to you but it meant something to me, you clearly aren't over this Jason guy." He paused and took a deep breath
         "I'm in love with you Aria and if you aren't in love with me, I can't be with you, I don't want to be your rebound" he looked straight in my eyes and I started to cry.
           "Ezra I do love you, and I'm over Jason, I am, I want to be with you" I kissed him.
          "Wanna come in for a little while?" He asked
           "Yes, I do, but I'm gonna be late, I have to meet Spencer for coffee downstairs" I smiled and kissed him goodbye. I ran down the stairs all happy and thrilled. I went to meet Spencer at a table.
        "Hey spence, so I fixed everything with Ezra" I smiled at her
        "That's great Aria, but, you are going to college in a few months, in California" Spencer pointed out and my mood changed
         "I didn't think of that" I pouted.
         "I'm not saying that your relationship is done" spence touched my hand
          "We can fight through it, even if it is long distance" I gave her a smile. I got up and left. I went home and met my mom. We were going to lunch together. I haven't seen her for a while. We walked into the restaurant and sat right away.
"So Aria, what's new" my mom asked as she looked over the menu.
"How is Ezra?" She asked
"Ezra is ok, I was just thinking how it will be hard because I'm going to college soon" I told her.
"If you truly love each other you can do it" she didn't sound like she had a lot of hope in her voice.
"How is Alison?" She asked
"She doing ok, I think she feels kind of abandoned" I told my mom
"Why?" She asked
"Her brother left when she returned and her mom died when she returned." I replied

After lunch I went to Alison's. I wanted to check on her. I walked up to the door and knocked on it. The door opened. Alison didn't open it, Jason did.
"Aria, hey" he greeted me. I couldn't speak because whatever came out of my mouth wouldn't be good.
"You're back, how do you feel?" I asked him
"Good, you look great" he stared at me with his green eyes and I froze!
"I'm with Ezra right now" I blurted out and his smile fell.
"I'm here to see Ali" I said and walked pass him and went upstairs. I ran into Alison's room.
"Hey Aria" she smiled
"How are you?" I asked her
"I'm good, did you fix things with Ezra" she asked me
"Yeah" I smiled. I hung out with Alison for hours and hours. I missed her so much when she was gone.

3 months later- everything with A and Charlotte happened.

Today I'm leaving for college, I'm terrified. I brought my bags to the car. I went over to Ezra's to say good bye. I knocked on the door.
"I'm leaving for college" I said . I saw he was sad. He gave me a huge hug.
"You'll do great" he told me and then gave me a kiss. I gave him another hug and didn't let go.
"I'll visit you" he said into my ear. I kissed his cheek and went on my way. I left to Alison's to say goodbye to the girls. The other girls were there already.
"I'm gonna miss you guys" I cried. Spencer hugged me
"We are gonna miss you too" Emily said. We all hugged each other. We all got in our cars and we drove off.

Sorry it's such a short chapter, it's sort of just a set up so I can work a little in between the 5 years before they all return to rosewood. 😘

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