Skinny Love: Part 2

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   I waited for Jason to come pick me up. I was excited to go out, I always am excited to be with him. His car pulled up and I got in. He gave me a kiss hello and pulled out of my parents drive way and we drove away.
     "So where are we going?" I asked
     "It's a secret" he smiled
      "But I wanna know" I laughed
      "But you can't know" he laughed and put on the radio. The radio had the same songs as usual. Jason and I talked and laughed.
        "Are you excited for Halloween?" I asked him
         "I love Halloween Aria, of course I'm excited" he answered
          "I know! What are you going to dress as?" I asked him
           "No clue yet, how about you?" He asked
           "Some sort of Disney character" I answered and he gave a soft laugh
            "How is Alison feeling?" I asked
            "She has some morning sickness but otherwise I think good" he replied keeping his eyes on the road.
             "Jason, how long are you staying in rosewood?" I asked him, I was worried of the answer, I can't lose him again.
              "I'm thinking permanently" he turned and gave me a quick smile. A smile grew across my face.
              "Really, you're staying?" I asked
              "Yeah, I'm going to buy my own house or apartment" he answered. Then I started to recognize the streets and turns we were making.
"Where are we going?" I asked  Jason.
"Philly, for the night, it's nice, the lights and the music it's romantic at night" he smiled at me.
"Really" I tilted my head and he stared in my eyes. We drove a few more minutes then he parked and we got out of the car
End of flashback

"Are we going to Philly?" I asked with a smile.
"Yes" he smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile and think about the first time I went to Philly with Jason and the summer we spent there.
"Oh my god, that's amazing" I smiled and held his hand. We parked the car and got out. Jason walked over and grabbed my hand.
We started walking down the street. We passed shops and restaurants.
"Now I don't know if you remember our first ever date" Jason smiled at me. I gave a laugh
"Of course I remember the date! Best night ever" I replied and he put his arm around me
"Well good, then you would remember the restaurant we went to" he said as we approached the same restaurant from that night. A vegan Pizza place. I smiled
"Wow, you remember too" I laughed with a little surprise. Guys don't normally remember stuff like that. We walked into the restaurant and sat down. We ordered a pizza to share. We talked and had fun. Jason made me laugh as usual. Every time I'm with him it's like I fall in love all over again.
We finished eating. We paid the bill and left the restaurant. We started walking down the street. Music played and lights flickered on as the sky fell dark. We approached a band playing a familiar song
"And if you remember our first date, you would remember this song" Jason smiled

   we heard music playing. Jason and I went over to it. We started dancing. I recognized the song so I started singing.
Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
Birds singing in the sycamore trees
Dream a little dream of me
   Say nighty-night and kiss me
Then Jason kissed me and he started singing a long with me
Just hold me tight and tell me you'll missme.
While I'm alone and blue as can be, dream a little dream of me.

Stars fading, but I linger on, dear.
Still craving your kiss, I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear.
Just saying this: Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you.
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you.
But in your dreams whatever they be, dream a little dream of me.

Stars fading, but I linger on, dear.
Still craving your kiss, I'm longing to linger till dawn, dear.
Just saying this: Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you.
Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you.
But in your dreams whatever they be, dream a little dream of me.
   The song ended and we kissed again and he held me tight.
End of flashback

  And just like that night Jason pulled me in tight. He and I danced together to the song and laugh and sang, at the very end of the song Jason kissed me. Just like that night, maybe even better. He pulled away from me. He and I leaned our foreheads on each other and touched nose to nose.
     "I love you" I kissed his nose.
      "I love you too" he smiled. After the song we walked around more.
       "Do you still have the Philly apartment?" I asked him
        "Yup, I couldn't get rid of it" he answered
        "Wow, when was the last time you were there?" I asked
          "A few days ago, just to check on it" he replied. We made a turn around a building. I looked up and saw it. The amazing statue that meant the world to me. The statue that spells out the word Love in big red letters.
"We haven't been here in so long" I was in awe. Jason smiled
"Yeah it's been awhile" he stared at the statue too. It was late at night so no one and when I say no one I mean no one was around. Jason turned to me
"Aria, think back to about 7 years ago, we stood right here in front of this statue on our first date, it was a while ago, but it was just the beginning for the two of us" he paused. I stared him in the eyes and smiled thinking of the times I shared with Jason.
"We had bumps in the road and some hard times, but we always found our way back to each other no matter what" he paused again. He got down on one knee and took out a small black box, he opened it to reveal a ring and with each movement my eyes widened more and my smile got bigger.
"Aria Montgomery, will you marry me" he finished. I took a deep breath and smiled at Jason.
"Absolutely" I thought I was going to cry. I saw Jason's eyes were ready to watery too. He put the ring on my finger then stood up and I kissed him. I kissed him deeper than ever. He lifted me off the ground and when we pulled apart we smiled at each other.
"I love you Aria" he held back happy tears
"I love you more, Jason" I kissed him again.

Ok so that was the chapter I was writing, I hope you all like it! I can't believe how far I have come with writing this love story and I can't believe how many people read it!

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