Boo! Haha

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1 week Later

I got ready for Halloween, I'm being mini mouse. I put on my poka dotted dress with my black heels and ears. I put on my yellow heels and looked at myself in the mirror. Jason came behind me
"Are you sure you don't care we aren't matching?" Jason asked
"I don't mind" I paused and turned to him
"No offense but you are no Mickey Mouse, you are more of a Tarzan" I told him and he laughed a little
"Then you should have been Jane" he kissed my forehead.
"She has too big of a dress" I answered. I went across the room and put my earrings in.
         "Ready to go?" Jason asked. We left to the party, Noel was having a Halloween party, like old times. Jason and I went to Alison's to pick her up. I walked in to get her. I found her half way in her costume crying.
"Ali what's wrong?" I asked
"I'm too big, this baby is in the way!" She cried
"You will look great in this, you arent showing that much yet Ali" I brushed her hair with my hand
"You look all pretty and tiny and I'm here all pregnant and pregnant" she grunted
"Alison you are beautiful and have pregnancy hormones, lets go and have fun, Jason's in the car waiting" I told her. I helped her into her costume and she was a beautiful Elsa.
           "See, pretty" I smiled and she sighed. We got in the car. We drove to the party. I went to the girls.
            "Wow, nice costumes" Ali greeted them. Hanna was Alice in wonderland, Emily was Jasmine, Spencer was the evil queen, Caleb was a prince, Jason was a police officer and I was mini mouse.
             "Same to you, I didn't know mini mouse hooked up with a police officer" Hanna laughed and so did I.
               "We are re writing Disney history" I said while walking farther into the party. Caleb and Jason went off somewhere with out us. I hung out with Alison and Spencer mainly. Emily girl hunted and Hanna kept putting away the creepy cocktails.
              "You know Alison, you could be a really great mom" Spencer told her
               "What are you saying, you didn't think I would be a great mom before? Oh god I'm gonna be a bad mom" Ali cried and I leaned in to whisper to Spencer
                "Pregnancy hormones"  she nodded in understanding.
                "Guys I'm holding back your night I'm going to leave" Alison got up and left. Spencer and I got drinks. We can't drink in front of Ali that's just rude.
               "We have been through hell the past few weeks but, there isn't a better group of people I would want to walk through it with!" I raised my glass and Spencer and I drank to my toast.
                "So how is it being engaged, again?" Spencer asked with a smile
                "A lot happier this time" I answered. Emily then walked over to us
               "Guys is there something wrong with me" she asked
              "No why?" Spencer looked at me then back at Emily
              "Not one girl wants to even dance with me" Emily sighed
               "I know someone who would have loved to dance, but she left" I told Emily.
               " who?" Emily asked
               "Alison" Spencer laughed
               "Really?" She asked
               "Obviously!" I exclaimed and Spencer and Emily laughed. Then we all got texts.
Alison: I'm in danger help!! Come alone!
    "Lets go!" Spencer dropped her drink and we got the guys and we went for Alison. We started walking to the location when I stopped in my tracks.
        "Come on Aria" Jason gestured me to walk
        "Guys what if is a prank, like last time?" I asked them Caleb and Jason looked confused and the girls had nervous looks, they knew I what I talking about.
"But what if it's not" Emily had a shaky voice. We continued walking and approached a creepy old house. We rushed into the house and we all called Alison's name.
"Guys?!" We heard Ali yell. We all rushed up stairs where we heard the voice. She opened the door for us.
"What's going on?" I asked
"Noel and Jenna want to kill me!" She panicked. Jason had anger in his eyes and so did Emily and I.
"Alison!" Noel yelled and took and axe to take down the door. We all shrieked. Jason grabbed Ali and I. Noel took a swing at Caleb but he ducked and we all ran. We ran through out the house. We didn't all stay together. I ran with Ali. We were hiding behind shelves. Noel was searching in the same room. I feel terrified. Ali took a deep breath. He heard it and turned. My eyes widened. Then he turned away and left. We ran out of the room and went down stairs.
"Lets go!" I commanded we were about to leave
"I left my phone upstairs" Emily said
"You can get a new phone" Hanna told her. Emily gave her a face and the two of them went up together. Suddenly we heard a scream and one step at a time we saw a head roll down the stairs, Noel's head.
"Oh my god!" I screamed and Spencer covered her mouth. Ali ran up to find Emily and Hanna. I went after her and Jason went after me. He grabbed my arm
"Don't go up there" he begged
"They're my friends, I have to" I got loose from his grip and ran up the stairs. I ran over behind Jenna. She had a gun.
"Alison is that you" she asked walking closer to the girls. She wanted to hurt Alison. I took a stick and grabbed it. As Jenna walked closer to my friends I took the stick and dodged it at Jenna's back. She collapsed to the ground and I ran with the girls following. We heard Jenna pull the trigger. Jason was still on the stairs and as he saw me he pulled my arm and brought me outside. Caleb got Hanna and Emily had Ali. We got out side and I looked around
"Where's Spencer!" I panicked
"What?" Ali asked and looked around.
"She isn't here" I yelled. I started going back for the house and Jason grabbed me again.
"Aria, don't go back in there, are you crazy!" He raised his voice "i know it's Halloween and creepy stuff is exciting on this night but you could get hurt!" He held my arm
"Maybe I am crazy, maybe I'm mad, maybe I'm so crazy that I'm completely gone but she's my friend, and I need to get her out safe, and every minute you keep me here is another that she's in danger!" I yelled and he let me go. I ran in with Hanna and we went yelling for Spencer. We heard someone singing. We entered the room where we heard the singing. My eyes widened and rushed over and fell to Spencer's side. Jenna shot her. We rushed over. I was too focused on Spencer to notice that Mary was the one singing and she was cradling Spencer. Emily and Ali came in and we all surrounded. Next Jason and Caleb were there and Hanna was calling 911. Mary sang a song.
"Spencer come on!" Mary cried
"You are all I have left........ I'm your mother" she cried and Spencer went into more shock than she already was in. We were all in shock at that point.
Shortly after the police came. We all went outside as the ambulance took Spencer. I was sitting on the edge of an ambulance. Alison walked over to me.
"I didn't get a chance to say thank you yet" she tilted her head with a smile
"For what?" I asked confused
"For throwing that stick at Jenna, you saved my life actually you saved all our lives" alison pointed out
"What about Spence?" I asked
"She'll be ok, I know it" Alison put her hand on my arm.
"Come here Elsa" I laughed and she sat next to me as I put my arm around her
"Happy Halloween Alison" I rested my head on hers as her head rested on my shoulder. Jason then walked over
"You two ok?" He asked us.
"I think so" I looked at Alison.
"I had to leave from over there, they all think I'm a real cop" Jason pointed to the police by the house. Ali and I laughed
"Come here" I pulled him closer to us. I put my arm around him so my arms were around the two the them.
"I love my Dilaurentis'" I smiled at them.
"And we love our Montgomery " Jason kissed my cheek. Maybe Halloween didn't turn out they way I wanted it to, but at least I was with the people I loved. Happy Halloween Bitches!

Hey everyone this is the Halloween special! Hope you guys enjoyed! I'm gonna start going away from the show just a little bit because Idk what's gonna really happen next! Also I have a new story called 'Brand New Key' - Nicole

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