Philly Apartment

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A few days later

Jason and I were having dinner with my parents tonight. I officially moved in with Jason and Alison. Jason and I walked up the walk way to the front door of my parents house. I ran the door bell and my mom answered with a smile and gave me and Jason a hug hello. She took our coats and we walked in. I handed my mom brownies and Jason handed my dad the salad.
We sat and ate for a while. Everyone got a long fine and it was going well.
"So what are you thinking for the wedding?" My mom asked and Jason and I both stayed silent, we haven't even talked about it yet. I mean it has only been two weeks.
"We haven't really talked about it yet" I told my mom
"Well do you want a big or small wedding?" She asked us
"Small" Jason and I both answer
"Well look, you just talked about it" my mom smiled.
"How about tomorrow we go look for a dress?" My mom offered
"Ok" I answered.
"When do you two want to get married?" My dad asked. I looked at Jason and then back at my dad.
"I guess soon" Jason looked at me and I nodded.
"At least you two are on the same page" my dad smiled. After we ate I helped my mom clean up.
"So is it going to be just us tomorrow or do you want to take who your brides maids will be too?" My mom asked me
"I'll take the girls" I answered
"Who will be your maid of honor?" She asked and my eyes widened
"Can I have 4?" I asked. My mom just laughed
"No, pick one" my mom laughed
"You know what, we want a small wedding, I'm not going to have brides maids, and we can do what you and dad did" I told my mom and she smiled and agreed. Now I just have to run it past Jason. Jason and I went home. Alison was in bed reading a book. Jason and I stayed in the family room and talked about the wedding a little bit.
           "Ok so tomorrow I'm going with my mom to find a dress" I said to him and stood up to head to bed
            "Aria, maybe you should take Ali with you" he offered. I nodded.
"Yeah" I smiled and walked into Alison's room were she was reading a parenting book. I knocked on her door
"Hey Aria" she put her book on her stomach
"So my mom and I are going tomorrow to pick out a dress and I wanted to know if you wanted to come with us?" I asked and her face lit up. I haven't seen her smile so big in the past few months.
"Yeah of course, what time?" She asked me
"Around 11:00am" I told her and she smiled
"I'll come, thanks" she smiled. I left her room and got ready for bed. Jason was already in the room and watching tv.
               "So when is this wedding of ours?" He asked me and lowered the TV.
               "Well we want it small so not hard to plan, how about like next week? A week before thanksgiving and before Alison is way to uncomfortable with her pregnancy" I offered the idea and he thought about it for a second then agreed. We then went to bed for the night.

   Next morning I woke up got dressed and had to help Ali get dressed. She always gets emotional getting dressed in the morning. What would Jason do if he was just living with her and not me.
     "Aria they don't fit anymore" Alison cried about her jeans
      "They fit Alison, you need to stand up to get jeans on though" I told her I helped her up and we got her jeans on.
        "Ali, don't you think it's time for maternity clothes?" I asked and her eyes widened
         "Never" she answered and I sighed. We started gathering our stuff and we left the house. We picked up my mom and we went to Allen town where there is a small bridal store. We entered the store and looked around.
           "Aria what kind of dress would you want?" My mom asked me
            "Cute simple dress" I answered. I'm not one of those girls who has been planning my wedding since I was 6, I'm the girl who started planning yesterday. We looked through the racks of dresses. My mom showed me a dress that was classy and long with sparkles on the end. I shook my head no fast. That is not for a small simple wedding or for mine.
"Aria how about this one?" My mom took another and showed it to me. This one was shorter in the front and longer in the back. It looked beachy.
"No mom" I said and gave her an 'I love you' smile. Then Alison came over and tapped my shoulder
"This seems like and Aria dress" Alison smiled and handed me the dress. This dress was short with long sleeves and puffed out.

    A smile went across my face

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A smile went across my face. I looked at the dress. I can picture myself in it
"I love it" I told her. I went and tried on the dress. My mom cried Ali hugged me blah blah blah. Lol. The dress was actually at a good price. My mom paid for it for me and we left. We went to lunch and a diner down the street.
"So Alison When are you do?" My mom asked her
"In 2 months" she smiled
"Do you know what you are having?" She asked
"I want it to be a surprise" she said
"I did that with Mike" my mom answered
"Why not me?" I asked
"Because I was scared I wanted to be prepared for you" she answered.

After lunch Alison and I went home. Alison went and took a nap. I put the dress in the office closet. Then I got a call from Jason. I honestly thought he was home already.
"Hey babe" I greeted him
"Hey so I had an Idea" he said to me.
"Ok, what is this idea?" I asked
"We get married next Friday and then afterwards we go to Philly for the weekend" Jason offered
"I like it, so we will stay in the Philly apartment right?" I asked
"Yeah and that will be the last time we are in that apartment" Jason said and I was confused
"Because I'm getting rid of it" he told me and my eyes widened. I could tell in the other line he sounded nervous of my reaction
"What why?!" I asked
"Because I have to pay the rent every month and I help pay the rent for Ali because she isn't working anymore again, it's a lot of money a month and if we want to move out of Alison's house I can't be paying for both" he answered and I sighed
"I get it, the philly apartment's gone"

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