Wedding day- Part 2

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Hour later

The girls, Jason and I were all behind the doctors and nurses that were rushing Alison into a room. Me, in my wedding dress and slipper. Jason, in his pants and an untucked shirt with a half tied tie. The girls all dressed and ready.
     We walked into the waiting room and just all sat there, for we weren't aloud into the room with Ali. I was bouncing my leg anxiously. Jason put his hand on my leg to stop it
        "Sorry, in just worried about Alison" I told him. He nodded
         "I'm sorry this day isn't turning out as it planned to be" Jason apologized to me.
          "Jason, I don't care, it wasn't your fault or Alison fault, and you know this just makes today that much better" I grabbed his hand. The girls were all sitting in the waiting room. All of them except Emily. Emily was in the delivery room with Alison. We all know that they are going out at this point so they should stop trying to hide it.
             "You know most girls would throw a fit and demand to reschedule their wedding or make the other person hold the child in" Jason laughed "but you don't care, and you are ok with getting married in your slippers and the setting being a hospital and me not even fully dressed" Jason smiled at me.
              "Yeah, I think Ali having the child today makes it even better" I told him.
"Everyone we wanted to be here is here and we can make it work" I held his hand. We waited for another 3 hours in the waiting room. The girls and I were talking.
"So what do you think she's having?" Hanna asked
"I think it's a girl" Hanna shared
"I think it's a boy" Spencer answered Hanna's question.
"I'm not sure, I feel like Alison would do really well with a girl" I said. They nodded. Then Emily came out of the delivery room to get us.
"So, what did she have?" I asked. We all surrounded Emily.
"It's a boy" she smiled widely. All of our jaws dropped in happiness and surprise.
"He's being cleaned up right now" Emily told us. We waited then the doctor let us all in the room. Alison was holding the baby.
"Hey" I approached her. She had a wide smile on her face.
"So everyone this is Axel Michael Dilaurentis" Alison announced and Hanna made a squeaking noise and I laughed at her. Alison went to get dressed and Emily held axel. We all stayed in the room with Alison.
"Aria, Jason I'm sorry about all this, I really am" Ali apologized.
"No it wasn't your fault and I'm not mad at all" I told Alison.
"I can still marry you guys you know, we can do it here" Alison offered and Jason and I both nodded rapidly. Then Hanna made an even louder noise of excitement and we all laughed. Alison stood up Jason and I stood across from each other and in front of Alison a little bit. Alison read from the cards that she had in her bag. Through the "ceremony" I heard Alison once in a while start to cry and I heard Hanna's phone camera going off. We got towards the end and Jason and I put our rings on.
"Do you Aria Montgomery take Jason as your husband?" Alison started to finish
"I do" I smiled.
"And do you Jason Dilaurentis take Aria as your Wife?" Alison held back her tears.
"I do" he smiled at me.
"You may now..... Kiss the bride" Alison smiled and Jason wrapped his arms around my waist picked me up and kissed me! As soon as Jason put me down Alison hugged the both of us so tight. Spencer took her phone and put on some music for all of us. Alison held axel in the hospital bed.
             "Guys I got candy from the vending machine" Caleb walked in and threw candy to all of us.
              "You two have to have a dance" Spencer realized.
               "Here I'll put on a romantic station on pandora and you two can do a quick dance" Alison said. She turned it on and the song that was on was Dream a little dream of me. Jason gave me a smile and a little laugh. We danced through the rest of the song. Maybe this wasn't the perfect dream wedding but, it was still the best day of my life!

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