If I ain't got you

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I spent the night at Alison's house because of the storm. I slept on the couch and Jason stayed there too. Alison wasn't coming home until the morning because of the flooding of the storm. I woke up that morning and went to the kitchen and got something to drink. Then I heard the front door open and shut. I went to the living room.
     "Jason wake up, Ali's home" I shook him awake and he sat up.
      "Why does that affect me?" He asked rubbing his eyes
       "Because she's gonna wonder why you're on the couch" I told him and folded a blanket
       "Aria, uh maybe we should finally talk to Alison about our past" Jason offered while trying to fix his hair.
        "Yeah you're right, but let's wait until I talk to Ezra and break up with him, please" I said and he nodded then Alison walked in and I turned around. She looked surprised to see me.
         "Hey Aria, what's up?" She asked
         "I stopped by to see if Jason got the files on Mary's Child" I answered her
          "Oh well, nice to see you" she smiled
          "How was the trip?" Jason asked Ali
          "Was not fun, like it wasn't fun already and then the storm started and it was worse" she laughed
            " sorry you had such a bad time" I gave her a hug
            " at least the students had fun" she smiled then went and changed in her room. I gave Jason a kiss and left. I walked out of the house and got in my car. I drove home and opened the door to what I thought was an empty apartment. I turned my head and saw Ezra and Nicole, standing at the kitchen counter. I smiled at them. They smiled back.
           "You must be Nicole, I'm Aria" I shook her hand and gave her a hug. Ezra started to look confused of why I was so happy.
           "Yeah, it's so nice to meet you" she smiled at me.
           "You know what, I'm going to go to the brew and get a coffee" Nicole left the apartment. Ezra went over and tried to kiss me and I backed away. He was confused
             "I saw the news last night" I smiled at him and his smiled fell and he took a deep breath
             "I'm sorry Aria" he sighed
            "Don't be sorry at all, you are in love with Nicole, be with her" I smiled at him
             "What about you?" He asked
             "I'm happy Ezra, watching that last night, it brought realization to my eyes, I was never in love with you and you never were in love with me. I'm happy again" I smiled at him. He smiled and gave me a huge thank you hug. I packed up my stuff and went to my parents house and brought it there. I unpacked in my old room.
            "Hey sweet heart, how do you feel?" My mom leaned against the door frame
            "I feel really good" I answered. She walked over and hugged me.
            "I always knew you were happier with Jason" she said in my ear. She left my room and I unpacked my stuff. I took out my phone and texted Jason
Aria: I broke up with Ezra
Jason: 🎉!!! Now when can we talk to Alison?
Aria: are you home? Is she home?
Jason: yes and yes❤️
Aria: so is now good? Or later?
Jason: now is good, love😘
Aria: on way babe😘😘😘

I put on my shoes and left the house. I got in my car and drove to Alison's house. I knocked on the door. Jason let me in and we sat Alison in the living room across from us.
"Guys what's going on?" She was kinda worried
"Nothing bad, well not to us" Jason said
"What is it?" She asked
"Ok so about 1 year and a half after you left, Aria and I started dating" Jason told her. She looked surprised then she smiled.
"For how long?" She asked
"We broke up the night you came back" I answered
"Not because you came back though, we broke up before we found out you were coming home" Jason cleared up
"Oh ok, then why are you telling me this?" She asked
"The story isn't done, Ali" Jason said
"We didn't see each other since that, until I went to the beach with you guys" I told her
"Where you two started going out again?" She asked. Jason and I nodded.
"We dated for 4 months after that" Jason said
"Wait you two were going out, when Charlotte shot Aria" she asked
"Yes" I answered
"You two must have cared for each other a lot, I mean you took a bullet for him, or was it he didn't take a bullet for you?" Ali asked
"No, Charlotte was aiming at him and I went in" I replied. I wasn't going to bring up the baby thing.
"Wow, why did you break up" she asked
"I cheated by accident" I answered
"How by accident?" She asked
"I was drunk" I replied
"Oh ok" she looked at us
"The point of the story is that we are back together" Jason finished and Alison's face lit up. Brighter than I've ever seen it.
"REALLY! Wait what about Ezra?" She asked
"He's back with Nicole" I smiled
"This is great" she smiled
"I thought you would be mad" I was confused
"I think before I left, I would have been mad, but not now" she smiled and hugged us.
"Oh and I have some news of my own" she smirked
"Are you getting married again? I'm not officiating" I said.
"No" she laughed. Then paused leaving Jason and I curious
"I'm pregnant" she finished and Jason and my eyes widened and we looked at each other then back at her.
"Rollins?" I asked
"Who else" she asked
"Well it's great Alison, and me and the girls and Jason are gonna be here for you" I assured her and I hugged her and Jason joined in.

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