Can't remember to forget you

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I stood in Hannas apartment along with the other girls. Emily was telling us about Ali.
"She was so out of it, but she was so aware, she was strapped down like an animal and said Elliot was evil" Emily told us. It's so odd. He seemed so sweet.
"Well we have to get Ali out" I said
"We can't, only family members or Elliot could" Emily told us
"I talked to Elliot and he said that Jason agreed with the treatments" Spencer told us. That's so weird. Out of all people why would Jason agree with that. Something is off about all this.
"Why would Jason agree with that?" I asked
"I don't know, maybe he does think it's a good idea" Hanna said. I couldn't believe that.
"I have to go" Hanna said then left. Spencer got her stuff too and left. I stayed there with Emily. We just stayed there. I helped her master how to make drinks.
After a few hours, everyone returned to the apartment. We all hung out when Spencer got a text.
"Guys it's a tracker on Rollins car" Spencer stared at the screen.
"Well let's find him and follow him" I offered and we all got up and rushed to the car. Hanna drove and I sat next to her. We tracked the car. We drove fast. I suddenly saw a person running in front of the car, a good distance away though.
"Was that Alison?" I asked in panic. Then suddenly we saw Rollins run out and Hanna crashes the car into him. His head came through the wind shield. Blood and glass was everywhere and we were all in shock. Then Alison came in front of the car and stared at his body.

We started digging a hole and we put him in it and covered him up. We all got in the car and got a plan to Not to tell anyone! I had to bring Alison back to the institution to make it like nothing happened. They dropped Ali and I off and we walked in.
"Ali you ok?" I asked
" uh yeah" she replied and we went to her room. She sat on the bed
"Ali, in so sorry" I said
"It's ok Aria" she tried to smile
"I've missed you" she said
"I've missed you too" I smiled and held her hand
"Aria, I'm sorry for making you come here for Charlotte, you didn't trust her, and I know why" she apologized
"It's ok Alison, I still love you, now I'm going to go" I said
"Wait Aria, aren't you going to strap me down?" She asked
"Really?" I asked
"They have to see what he did to me" she said and she lied downs and I strapped her wrist.
"We'll get you out...... I promise" I told her and then left. I went home. Ezra was there waiting.
"Hey you got home late" he stood up and hugged me
"Yeah I'm sorry, out with the girls" I smiled. I changed my clothes and sat with Ezra on the couches and watched a movie. I fell asleep.

1 week later

I stood on the front lawn of Alison's house. She was coming home today. I stood there waiting for her. Then the car pulled up. She got out and walked to me. She gave me a hug.
"Alison, I'm sorry, we couldn't get you out only family members could" I told her
"Aria I know, it's fine" she smiled.
"So did Jason get you?" I asked her
" no...... Mary did" she said as Mary got out of the car.
"Ali why?" I asked nervously
"She's all I had ok" Ali said
"Besides I can keep an eye on her better here" she told me. Mary took the casserole I brought and they went inside and I left. I went over to Emily's and I talked to her about what happened with Mary. Then I got a text
Ezra: come home I want to talk to you
Aria: ok
I stood up from the couch and said good bye to Emily. I went home and went inside. Everywhere candles were lit. Ezra was in a suit.
"Hey" I said confused
"Ok I'm gonna just cut the chase" Ezra slowly approached me
"I love you Aria..... a lot. And after what's been going on and our history and realized I can't picture my life without you" he told me and got down on one knee and looked up at me. He pulled out a box with a ring in it.
"Aria Marie Montgomery, will you marry me?" He asked and I was speechless.
"Well...." he asked
"Can I think about it Ezra?" I asked and he looked sad and confused
"Uh yeah" he shut the box and stood up.

I met all the girls at Spencer's house. They talked about everything happening.
"Guys, Ezra proposed to me" I announced and smiles grew across their faces
"And you said yes?" Hanna asked
"I didn't answer, how can I give Ezra forever if my forever could be behind bars?" I asked
"That's up to him, you can tell him what happened ok?" They told me and it made me happy that they would let me tell this big secret for my happiness. After we finished our "meeting" I left. I went home and to Ezra. I told him what happened.
"Aria, I will still love you, I'm going to do this again" he paused and got on his knee
"Aria, will you marry me?" He asked and I smiled
"Yes" I kissed him and he lifted me off my feet. I'm getting married to Ezra Fitz

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