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2 weeks later

  I got stuck in rosewood because of Charlotte. Now there is a new A, we don't know what to call it yet. Spencer and Caleb hooked up and I'm helping Ezra write his book about his love story with his girlfriend Nicole who is dead now.
     I was sitting with Ezra reading chapters and revising them.
      "Ezra, I know it was hard to lose her, but if you don't write, you'll lose the book too, this is for Nicole" I reminded him and he looked at me.
        "Ok" he replied and started typing while I read the chapters he had. He had a powerful relationship with her. I could feel his love through the words on the page. I don't know how I'm going to write the chapters in Nicole's point of view. I'll have to take my love for Liam and put it in words. Then I got a text
Mom: come over I want to talk to you
Aria: ok see you in a few
   I stood up and Ezra was confused as of why.
  "Ezra I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow probably" I said and he waved good bye and I left. I went to my parents house and my mom told me to sit on the couch.
       "Sweetie, um we wanted to talk to you because we are getting re married" my dad proudly announced and at first I was in shock then I hugged them
        "That's so great" I squealed
         "That's not all" my mom said
         "You're pregnant?" I asked with worry
          "No aria!"  My mom laughed
          "We want you to officiate the wedding" they smiled at me. I nodded my head rapidly and hugged them again.
"This is so great" I said. Then my dad left the room
"Mom I'm so happy for the two of you but I don't want dad hurting you again" I told her. I was concerned for her
"Honey it'll be fine" she smiled.
4 days later

I stood in front under a string of lights with an isle in front. My dad stood next to me with a smile. Music started playing and my mom walked down the isle. I held back tears. I married my parents. That sounds so weird.
Afterward everyone walked around, talked and ate food. Like a wedding.
Once everyone left I didn't clean a thing up. I helped with food and stuff and brought gifts inside. Then my door bell rang. I went and opened it. Alison stood there with Elliot Rollins.
"Will you marry us" she asked with a huge smile
"What I can't do that" I said
"Do you still have the lights?" She asked
"I have rings" Elliot told me.
"Ok fine" I let them in and they went to the back yard. It was weird officiating a second wedding in the same day. And it was for Alison. So weird.
"So now what?" I asked them
" we are going to go to Elliot's vacation house for a honeymoon" Ali answered. They left for their "honeymoon". I sat there. Then I decided to do some work. I tried typing some chapters for the book when I got a text from Ezra. Hope he would ask me to officiate his wedding.
Ezra: I see you are typing your chapters, wanna come over and we can write together?
Aria: sure, be over in a few
I got my bag and computer and went to Ezra's. I went to his apartment. I sat at the table with him and we wrote the book. We worked all night. We had fun and caught up too. We ended up finishing the book and just needed someone to edit the book.
"Ezra, Nicole would love it" I told him
"Yeah I wish she could read it, but I've gotten to the point where I can say her name and not want to punch the wall" he told me and gave me a smile.
"Aria, I'm not going to lie to you, when we broke up, I had a hard time" he told me and I sighed
"Yeah" I didn't know what to say to him.
"I still have feelings for you" he told me. I was officially speechless, after all this time, Ezra, had feelings for me still! He came over to me and lifted my chin and kissed me so deeply that I didn't stop him. Oh no.

Next day
I couldn't stop thinking about Ezra kissing me last night. I was waiting for Liam to come over. He was in town. He knocked on the door and I let him in.
"Hey babe" he smiled
" hi sit" I said and he sat on the couch
"Ok, so I really do have feelings for you but, I need us to break up" I told him. He was confused
"Why?" He asked
"Being back here has brought back memories for me and I realized how much I haven't discovered about this place and I'm not returning to Boston" I told him
"Oh ok, I get it, see you around Aria" he said then left. As soon as he left I got a call from Emily.
"Hey em" I greeted into the phone
"Aria! Alison thought she was going insane and seeing dead people so she checked herself into Welby the mental institution" she was sad and worried
"Isn't Rollins coming home tonight though?" I asked her
"Yeah but she still wanted to go" Emily told me
"Ok well what do you want me to do" I asked
"Meet us at Spencer's" she told me. I hung up and went to Spencer's house. I walked up her drive way and went through the side door.
"Guys what's up?" I asked Spencer held up dusty files
"This, this is a radley file for a women named Mary Drake.... Charlotte's biological mother and Jessica Dilaurentis' twin sister" Spencer spoke. Things just changed so fast.
"We have a feeling she could be our new A" Hanna told me
"She wants revenge for her daughters death" I realized.

3 days later

Emily and I went to visit Alison.
"Aria, I swear that Alison called me for help" Emily told me again
"I believe you but how did she get a phone?" I asked
"You are asking the wrong person" she replied. We went to the front counter.
"Where is dr Rollins?" I asked the women and she pointed to him. We went over to him
"Hello ladies" he smiled
"Hi, we are here to visit Alison" we said and he shook his head
"She isn't aloud visitors" he told us
"Why?" I asked
"She isn't in a great condition, family members only" he told us and walked away.
"Great now what?" I asked
"There is something going on, something is wrong we have to see her" Emily panicked
"Ok we can figure something out, ....... I have an idea" I said. We exited the building and drove to the lost woods resort where Mary is staying. I knocked on the door and Emily stayed in the car.
"Hi, Mary right?" I played dumb
"Yes" she smiled
"I'm Aria, we met once two days ago" I did and she then remembered me
"Oh yes Aria, how can I help you?" She asked
"Well Emily wants to Visit Ali but they only are letting family in...... and you are family" I said
"Of you are asking if I'll get Emily in..... I'll do it" she smiled. She got in the car with Emily and I. Emily dropped me off at Ezra's while she went to see Alison.
   I walked into Ezra's. He smiled and gave me a kiss hello. Yeah we got back together. Hopefully it goes well.
       "I have great news" he smiled
        "What?" I asked
        "Your boss.... loved the chapters we wrote!!" He smiled and so did I. I hugged him  and I kissed him. Then well you know😉

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