Car Radio

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I rushed home from the hospital. I tried calling Jason over 20 times but each time was a miss. How did he just get up and leave. How did he even get pass us. How could he not tell me where he was going. I kept calling as I paced around my room. Not once did he pick up. I heard someone come down the hall. My mom came in my room. She noticed I was nervous.
"Honey, you raced in the house, are you ok?" She asked
"Uh yeah, I'm ok, Jason just won't pick up my calls" I sighed, thankful that she cared
"Oh, honey, what ever is wrong with the two of you, you can fix it" she said
"I wish that was the situation" I told her
"What do you mean?" She looked at me confused
"He was in an elevator accident tonight and he was in the hospital, then he disappeared" I answered her and her jaw dropped. But I didn't know which part she focused on, the elevator or the fact he disappeared.
"So you have no clue where he is" she asked with scare in her voice
"Yeah, but all I've done has called him" I told her.
"Why don't you get rest and tomorrow you can refocus on him" my mom gave me a hug. I got in my bed. For hours I tossed and turned. I kept thinking about places he could be. Was he afraid of something. Was he leaving because of a someone. I stressed all night long. I wanted to sleep but I couldn't. I wanted morning to come so I could go look for him. I'm nervous something happened to him, like A.
      As soon as the clock said 8:30am I jumped out of bed. I got dressed and I went to Jason's house to see his mom. I knocked on her door. It took a minute but she answered. She had her gardening gloves on.
      "Hello Aria" she greeted with a fake smile, as usual
       "Hi, how are you?" I asked
       "I'm well, how can I help you?" She asked
       "Have you seen Jason?" I asked her. She sighed and put her hand on her hip.
       "I saw him yesterday, I told him I'd see him at home, but he wasn't here" she answered me.
       "Is he ok?" She asked
      "I don't know" I sighed.
        "Maybe he is in Philly?" She suggested. I looked up at her. The Philly apartment, why didn't I think of that.
        "Thanks mrs d" I said good bye and left. I jumped in my car. I texted Spencer and she said she wanted to go. Because she was meeting the A detective in Philly. I picked her up and we drove.
         "Aria, what if Jason isn't there?" She asked me and I sighed
         "Then I don't know" I looked at her. She touched my hand. I took a deep breath and continued driving. We got to Philly. I dropped Spencer off at a coffee shop so she could meet the detective that helped her figure out somethings with A. I drove to the apartment building. I parked my car. I went up the stairs because I'm now terrified of elevators. I got the key to the apartment and unlocked the door. The place was clean, not one thing misplaced. He wasn't here. I looked around to double check. I looked on the kitchen counter and saw a paper note. It was to me from Jason.
Dear Aria,
Please don't worry about me, I'm ok. I will see you soon, I just need to get away for a little while. I love you
  I just stared at the paper. How do I know this isn't from A, like Ian's suicide note. I just wanted to know where he was. I broke down crying. I folded the note and put it in my pocket. I walked around Philly for a while because Spencer wasn't done getting information from the detective. I passed the same statues. I came around a corner and someone was playing 'Dream a little dream of me' I started thinking of My and Jason's first date. Then I got a text.
Poor Aria, worried about someone she doesn't have a future with
          ~ A
  I started crying more. What does that even mean. I wanted to respond but I knew it was a risk. I texted Spencer to hurry up. I went and got my car and drove to pick her up.  
     "Hey, was he there" she asked getting in the car
      "What do you think?" I held back my tears. She rubbed my shoulder
       "I'm sorry Aria" she said. I handed her the note that was there. She read it.
       "So he's ok" she said
      "But what if he isn't, and A wrote that" I shed a tear. Spencer whipped the tear
       "He'll be fine" she gave me a smile.
"I hope" I smiled too. We listened to music for a while in the car. She told me what the detective said. It wasn't much. Nothing that could help at least. Suddenly the car starts spinning.
"Aria!" Spencer yelled. I got scared. I tried pulling the breaks but they wouldn't work.
"Help Spencer" I yelled at her. She pushed a few buttons but it did nothing. We kept spinning. I felt nauseous. Then Spencer pulled a lever and the car stopped. We both took deep breaths.
"Thank god" Spencer sigh with relief. Then a car came and slammed into the side of our car. The car flipped over and I blacked out.

I slowly opened my eyes. I was in the hospital. No one but a nurse was there. Then the nurse turned around. It was Alison. I must be dreaming.
"Ali?" I asked
"Aria, thank god, I thought we almost lost you" she came and sat on the edge of the bed.
"Why are you here?" I asked confused
"To make sure you are ok" she smiled and did her classic head tilt.
"We miss you Ali" I told her
"I know, and I miss all of you too" she pushed my hair behind my ear.
"I better go, I'll see you soon Aria" she smiled and walked away. I dozed off again.

I woke up a few hours later with Spencer in the bed next to mine. Our parents were there.
"Thank god you two are alright" Spencer's mom grabbed Spencer's hand.
"We were worried about you guys" my mom came to the Side of my bed.
"When can we leave?" Spencer asked
"How long have we been in the hospital?" I asked
"We can leave In a little bit" Spencer's mom answered.
"And you two were both in a coma for about a week" my dad answered.
"A week" Spencer's eyes widened
"The doctor thought it would be more" her dad told us. Then Emily and Hanna burst through the door. Our families left and Emily and Hanna stayed.
"Yay you're awake" Emily hugged me and Hanna hugged Spencer.
"What have we missed?" I asked them. Hanna talked about Caleb going to California to meet his mom and Emily didn't say much.
"So Jason is still gone?" I asked and they nodded. My nerves were back.

3 hours later
Spencer and I were getting ready to leave when both our phones buzzed. We stared at each other.
Tell another soul about me and you both will never wake up
~ A
This is Spencer's fault. She just had to get a detective.
"So now we know who hit us" Spencer said
"And who broke my breaks on my car" I was so annoyed. Spencer looked up and opened her mouth like she was going to ask something.
"What spence?" I asked her
"Did you see Alison too?" She asked and my eyes widened
"I didn't just dream that, you saw her too, was she wearing one of the nurse outfits?" I asked her
"Yeah, and she touched my arm, she was real" Spencer realized
"Or she has a clone" I laughed.
"So are we saying she's alive?" Spencer asked with a smile
"Yeah, we have to find her before A does" I said.
"Come lets go and meet the girls" Spencer picked up her bag and we left. We got in her car because mine was in the shop. We went to Hanna's house and figured out somethings. We talked about possible hiding places for Alison. Now I'm looking for her and Jason, fun!
"A few days ago I met a medium that knew Alison" Emily told us.
"Maybe she could help, what's her name" I asked and Spencer got the computer and searched her name. She got the phone number and called.
"Hello, I'm Spencer Hastings, and I would like to make an appointment as soon as possible" Spencer said. The women talked for a few minutes.
"Next Friday is perfect, it's me and 3 other girls, we need help finding out friend" Spencer told her. The women said something and Spencer's facial expression dropped.
"Yeah, were friends with Alison, how'd you know that?" Spencer asked. I have no clue what the conversation was but it freaked Spencer out a little, I could see it in her face. Spencer hung up the phone.
"Ok we have an appointment" she told us.
After that I went home. My mom made me dinner and I ate. I didn't eat a lot because I was nervous about Jason, why wouldn't he say where he was. I went up to bed and again did the same thing I did last week, rolled around and thought. I couldn't stop thinking.

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