Skinny Love: Part 1

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1 week Later

  I've been with Jason for a week now and honestly it's like we picked this up where we were before the whole Liam thing. I haven't been this happy in a long time.
     The girls and I were all at Alison's house. We just hung out and talked.
     "Hanna, we are sorry about your engagement, maybe it's for the best?" I said. Hanna broke her engagement with that guy Jordan.
       "Yeah, but I'm so happy you are happy again Aria" she smiled. I told them about Jason and I.
       "So Emily what's up with you?" I asked her
        "Well I applied for the swim coach job and ran into an old friend, or girlfriend"  she said
        "I saw Paige" she smiled. Alison's smile dropped
        "How'd she look?" Alison asked discussed
       "Pretty good" Emily answered and Ali rolled her eyes.
        "Any one want coffee?" Alison's asked.
        "I will" Spencer said
        "We already know you want coffee spence, it's your fuel" I laughed,
         "I'll have some too" Hanna said. I went with Alison to the kitchen. She started making coffee
"Ali what were those faces when Emily was talking about Paige?" I asked annoyed sort of.
"Paige is toxic for Emily, she shouldn't be around her" she flipped
"Why?" I asked
"Because she shouldn't be with someone that only cares about going to the olympics" Ali snarled and brought out the coffee. We sat on the couch. It was silent for a few minutes.
"Girls I think we all need a night out" Hanna took a sip of her coffee
"I agree! After everything that has happened we deserve a fun night" I agreed with Han. The others nodded in agreement. Then Jason walked in the living room where we all were.
"Hey" he greeted us all
"Hey babe" he came over and kissed my cheek. All the girls made aw faces.
"I'm heading out for a little bit" Jason said to Ali
"Ok, I have the girls, I'm not a lone" she smiled at us. As Jason walked to the door I walked over to him.
          "Are we going out tonight?" I asked him 
          "Yeah, want to go see a movie?" He asked me as he grabbed his coat
           "Ok, perfect" he kissed me and he left. I joined the girls again.
           "Ladies what are we going to do for Halloween?" Spencer asked us
           " we should do a theme" I said
            "Like Disney princess' or the villains in Disney movies" Hanna smiled
            "I like the Disney idea" Emily smiled
            "Ok it's agreed" Alison smiled
Jason's POV
I left the house and got in my car. I took a deep breath and started the car. I drove for a little while until I got to the Montgomery house. I parks my car on the curb and got out. I walked up the walk way and up to the door. I took a deep breath then knocked on the wooden door. I stood in the cold weather as I saw the door knob turn. I stood as the door opened for me to see Mr Montgomery standing there with a smile on his face.
"Oh Jason, it's nice to see you! come in" he moved over gesturing for me to walk in his houses. I walked in
"Aria isn't here right now" he smiled at me.
"Oh I know" I told him and he had a curious look on his face
"I want to talk to you, and if mrs Montgomery is here, that would be even better" I smiled as he called Ella into the room. She walked in and gave me a hug hello.
"It's been a while Jason, how have you been?" She asked me and gestured for me to sit and she sat too, and mr Montgomery.
"I've been really good lately, how about you, congratulations on your re marriage" I congratulated them.
"Thanks, We have been good, now what is it that you need?" She asked with a wide smile
"You know Aria and my history" I said and swallowed hard
"Yes we do, you guys are good together, she seems happy right now" Ella smiled and Byron nodded
"Yeah so am I,....... I love your Daughter...... more than you know, she's the best thing that has ever been in my life" I paused
"and I'm asking for your approval on me asking Aria for her hand in marriage" I swallowed hard. Both their faces lit up bright. They looked at each other then back at me then back at each other.
"We would be thrilled if you married our daughter, Jason" Byron smiled. My face lit up and I couldn't help but smile.
"We like you a lot better than we liked Ezra" Ella said.
"Really, thanks, it means so much" I smiled at them  and Ella gave me a huge hug. Bryon gave me a hand shake. I left their house with a wide smile.

Arias POV

   I went home and was looking in my closet. I was trying to figure out what to wear tonight. I'm gonna text Jason.
Aria: Hey, so what are you wearing to the movie? Are we going to dinner first or no?
Jason: we aren't going to a movie anymore, I have a surprise, wear something nice❤️
Aria: ooooh really, ok babe❤️❤️
I went in my closet and decided to wear a dress with a jacket because it's getting cold out.

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