Chapter 17: Lesbihonest

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We were alone; Naya, Lea and I.

"Daquri's anyone?" Naya asked pulling out a blender and vodka

Was this women an alcoholic? I would never date a person that drinks that much. I've had enough experience with my dad, Patrick, and alcohol. It can change a person so much that you wouldn't even recognize them. There is no excuse for a person to drink that much. Does your life really suck that bad that you need to drown your body in a liquid toxin?

Lea raises her hand and squeals "Me!'

They both yell together in excitement.

"What about you Demi?" Naya asks glaring directly into my eyes. Lea turns her head to face me. Both of their eyes are fixated on me. The room is silent, as if time has stopped and the very fate of the world is based on a simple one syllable word.

My answer was soft. So soft in fact I thought they wouldn't hear me, "Sure."

They both squeal with delight. Lea gets up and helps Naya retrieve all the ingredients.

Starting a conversation, I ask them a question, " So you guys do this every Friday?"

"We did until Naya got her heart broken and she stop spending time with me." Lea answers looking at Naya

"What do you mean?" I reply wanting to hear this answer

"See Naya dated this girl in a band that we met at Tipsy Tini. She like fell in love with her and we all would explore the town together, until the girl cheated on her and broke Naya's heart and....." Lea rambles on until Naya puts her hand over her mouth.

"Damn blabber mouth." Naya snaps

Naya looks up at me ashamed. Was she ashamed that Lea told me that she is a lesbian or the fact that she was dumped by a girl she met in a Karaoke bar.

"Sorry." Lea responds and puts her head down

I smile letting her know that it is okay. In fact, it explains why she was hitting on me so much. I never thought a women like her would be gay. She probably could get any man she wanted.

"So what are we doing tonight?" I ask to change the subject

Lea looks up at Naya wanting to speak again. Naya nods her head agreeing.

"Well, first we get pissed face drunk then we see where it goes from there!"

"You serious?" I reply confused

"Yea." Naya answers before Lea can respond

After about five minutes of chatter the drinks are fixed and we all take a seat in the living room.

I glance over at Naya who has been different since Lea exposed her. Her hand was tracing the rim of her glass.

An awkward silence had past until Lea excused herself due to the phone call she had just received. Tears began to form in Naya's eyes as I move closer to her. She looks up at me then back down now releasing soft whimpers.

"I almost forgot all about her." tears fall in her drink

"How long has it been?"

"About a month. I mean I fucking came out for her." she was bawling now.

I never knew she was gay. How could somebody do that to someone. That would be a bitch if I came out for Summer and she did that to me.

Before I could respond Lea comes rushing out the bedroom.

"Guess what guys!" she blurts out

Naya and I look up at her and she realizes now isn't the right time.

"Awe baby" Lea comes over and squats in front of Naya.

I didn't want her here right now. She was the reason why Naya is crying in the first place. So I did a bitch thing and grabbed Naya's arm forcing her to come with me into the bedroom, leaving Lea there on her knees.

"Please give us a minute." I ask Lea curtly and close the door behind us.

I love Lea but I needed to be alone with her.

I place myself next to her on the bed. She collapses in my arms. She must have really loved her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask unsure of what to do next

She nods her head justifying a no. I just hold her, rocking her slowly and steady. My neck and shirt are stained with her tears. She laid there in my arms for about twenty minutes until she got up to change into her pj's.

"I'm sorry I ruined our fun night." She whispered as she returned from the bathroom.

"No. It's okay." I answer reassuringly.

She climbs in bed and I begin to walk out the room.

"Demi." she calls right above a whisper

"Yea." I answer standing in the doorway

"Well you sleep with me tonight?"

"Of course Naya."

I know this is wrong but she is hurting and she needs me right now. I change quickly and climb in bed. As I have done before I move to the edge of the bed. Unlike with Sam, Naya comes over and cuddles with me. I lie stiff not trying get myself in any unwanted predicaments.

"Thank you Demi. Your a really good girlfriend." she murmurs half asleep

"Yea. I know."


A/N: Thanks for the 4000 reads and 200 votes.

Question: Do you think Demi should have slept with Naya? Comment


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