Chapter 19: Drunken Love

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"One more please!" she begged to the obviously annoyed waiter.

"No Summer, you've had enough." Josh orders

"Who the fuck are you to tell me I've had enough?" she slurs, pointing her finger in his face

Josh whispers something to the waiter, who then walks away.

"What did you tell him?" She spats

"Nothing." he lies

Summer quickly stands up causing her to almost fall over. She fixes her dress then proceeds to follow the waiter.

"Where are you going?" Josh asks, holding on to Summer's arm.

"To get a drink." she slurs, then jerks away from him causing her to fall on top of a guy siting next to them.

"I'm so sorry." Josh whispers to the now disgusted bystander.

He helps Summer up and realizes she caused the man to spill his drink on him and her.

"You wasted your drink on me douchebag." Summer yells and slaps the man.

The man fueled with anger jerks up, but is immediately calmed by Josh who is pleading with him not to retaliate. Successfully; the man walks away without hurting Summer.

"Okay we're going home." Josh says holding on to Summer's arm, leading her out the crowded club.

"I don't wanna!" She wines, but is overpowered by Josh's stern grip.

After they have exited the club, Josh lets her go. He is completely exhausted with Sam's drunkenness. He just wants to get her home. He did have an ulterior motive however. The cab is called and him and her head to Sam's house.


I'm awaken by loud chatter coming from downstairs. Looking at the alarm clock it reads two thirty a.m. I climb out of bed and walk downstairs. In the kitchen,I spot a heavily intoxicated Sam and a boy. He is about six four, broad shoulders, and a chiseled jaw. I don't recognize him from anywhere. Why the hell does she have a man with her? Is this what she has been doing while I've been gone?

I am so fucking pissed right now.

However; before I jump to conclusions,I keep myself hidden behind the stairs.

"Want something to drink babe?" Sam asks fumbling to find some alcohol.

She enters the pantry closet and returns with a bottle of vodka.

I can't believe she bought some more booze when I told her she shouldn't be drinking .

"No Summer I'm good." he contests

Why isn't he stopping her?

Sam opens the bottle and begins to drink like it's water.

"Sam." he whines

"What!" she slurs, wiping her mouth with her arm.

He stands up and walks over to her.

"Give it a rest."he states, then grabs the bottle from her.

"I like it when you're ruff with me." she replies seductively

He laughs.

I feel my whole body start to heat up.

"Don't be like that babe, you have a girlfriend." he resists

How does he know she has a girlfriend? I move closer standing right by the kitchen entrance to get a clearer view of him.

The Only Exception( A Demi Lovato Fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now