Chapter 18: Lady Babies

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2 days later


I finish my first segment of Glee and head back to my hotel. Packing up,I call Sam to let her know I'm leaving.

She is a little upset with me because apparently she called me a dozen times and I didn't answer. I know something is up with her because she doesn't sound as happy as I left her.

I'm completely through packing and Max grabs my things to take it downstairs. I make a final sweep of the room and take a seat on the ottoman. A small knock is placed on the door.

"It's open!" I yell facing away from the door

Heels against the floor proceed towards me. A cold hand is placed on my shoulder. I turn around and smile. For some reason when I see her I just get happy. I hug her tightly, letting my warmth radiate on her.

"It's freezing out there." she says rubbing her arms

"Well, it was real sweet of you to come see me off Naya." I responded while walking into the kitchen to prepare a cup of coffee.

"I have to see my girlfriend off!" A smile forms on her face

Now, Naya mostly refers to me as her girlfriend. She doesn't know I'm gay or that I actually have a girlfriend. It does make me slightly uncomfortable.

She takes a seat across from me in the island. A place a hot cup of coffee in front of her and proceed to make my own.

"Thanks." She says taking a small sip and letting the hot mug hug against her body.

I take a seat across from her.

"I don't know what I'm going to do without you Demi. It was nice having someone new join the cast."

"I'm going to be back in a week or two." I answer reassuringly

"That's a long time. It's been a while since I found someone that was fun to be around."

Damn my dashing good looks and witty charm.

Max returned and told me it was time to go. I stand up and place my cup in the sink. Naya quickly followed behind me.

"Where are you going back to?" she questioned holding onto my arm.


"You can't leave yet." she steps in front of me blocking the door.

Why can't she just let me go? I have a girlfriend.

"Why is that?" I question

She looks down, "Because, because I'm in love with you." she mumbles

I can't believe she just admitted that. I knew she liked me,but why would she go after a 'straight' girl. I look over at Max who quickly looks away and excuses himself.

Standing there, just her and I, and a room full of tension that could be sliced through with a knife. I swallowed heavily, causing the room to break its silence. She just looked down,playing with her nail bed.

"I, I can't do this." I stutter

"Why?" She argues

She looked a little upset like she wasn't expecting that answer.

I avert my eyes; focusing on a small spider that laid dormant in the kitchen corner. How long had that been there? I wish I could morph into a small arachnid to avoid this confrontation.

She clears her throat, causing me to focus back on her.

"Because, I'm in a relationship with someone." I looked down as she had down previously.

Why couldn't I just be woman enough and say it? Naya, I really want you but I have a girlfriend that I'm deeply in love with, and I don't want to ruin that. No matter how good you look in a leather bustier, or together, how pretty our lady babies would look.

Fuck. I guess I am women enough; because I accidentally just said that out loud.

Naya's mouth was agape. Probably because not only did I just admit to having a girlfriend, but too how pretty our lady babies would look.

My face turned crimson red, causing me to look away.

"Wait.What?!" Naya exclaimed and begin to laugh. She became consumed in laughter, causing her to grab her stomach.

"What's so damn funny?" I cursed

She caught her breath.

" I knew it." she answered half laughing.

"Knew what?" Now I was the one upset.

"I had a feeling that you were a lesbian."

"Why would you think that?" I rebutted

She squinted her eyes and crossed her arms examining me , like a prize pig at an animal auction.

"It's the smoky eye shadow you always wear, the I'm a bad ass rockstar attitude, and the obvious staring you do when I come around." she examined her nails pleased with her answer.

"Just because I like my eyes smoky and mysterious, and I occasionally glance over at you here and there, doesn't mean you could put a label on me." I answered then walked over to the couch.

She laughed.

"But I'm right. Actually that's how I knew that bitch who broke my heart was lesbo." she rolled her eyes

"Whether your right or wrong that still doesn't change the fact that I have a girlfriend , who is probably pissed with me because I haven't talked to her since Tuesday; and it's Thursday." I bowed my head

"Oh cheer up, at least you have one." she responded

By that time, Max had returned and suggested that I leave before it gets too late.

I stand up again and Max waits outside the door.

"Please don't tell anyone that you know I'm...." I whisper

"Your secret is safe with me. For now." she winks and then places a small peck on my lips.

I stand there astonished as she turns around and leaves, giving Max a hug as well.

Max shakes his head and grabs my hand.

"Come on Skipper." he laughs

I follow behind him quietly, down the elevator and out the lobby doors. The screaming fans and paps call my name but go unheard as I'm still in a daze.

Max hurries me into the SUV and we drive to the airport. I can't think or do anything. Sitting there frozen in time.

We arrive at the airport and I take a quick plane ride back to Dallas. I couldn't sleep, I kept constantly replaying that tantalizing but sinful moment in my mind.

Arriving at Sams' unusually large house, I say my good byes to Papa Max and the crew. Walking through the door,the house was dim and empty. I placed my things down and drew a bath. Soaking and thinking caused my body to wrinkle, like a raisin in the sun. After getting dressed, I laid in Sams' bed and drifted off to sleep.



A/N: Probably a lot of grammatical errors, I tried to proof read. Just needed to hurry up and update. Its about midnight where I live so yea. Hope you had a good thanksgiving!

Next Chapter Preview: Demi finally meets Josh, but not the way Summer planned.

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