Chapter 20: Haley's Comet

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Hangover sucks. I'm laying on the couch in the white room, and I feel terrible. Not remembering anything from the night before, makes it even worse.

Slowly sitting up, I wipe my eyes and glance around the room. Nothing is destroyed or broken, so it was a calm night. Before I could stand, I feel the remains of last night climbing up my throat. Quickly covering my mouth and trying not to puke all over my new Egyptian cotton couch throws, I manage to reach the kitchen sink.

Hurling what's left in my stomach, I notice something or someone out the corner of my eye. I quickly clean myself up and walk into the dining area.

Demi is sitting, eyes closed, legs crossed. I assume she is doing her daily meditation. I quietly place my self next to her and try to emulate her movements. She breathes in slowly and releases after about five seconds.

I don't remember her coming home, she must have arrived early this morning.

I soon get bored of the meditating and decide to distract her. I lean over and place small kisses on her cheek and neck. Her soft whispering is halted and she opens one of her eyes. I return a smile to her and wink.

Suddenly, she mumbles something then quickly stands to her feet. What's up with her?

"Morning baby." I smile

She rolls her eyes then proceeds to the kitchen.

"What's up with you?" I question

She turns to me then opens her mouth but nothing came out . She just shook her head and began making a smoothie.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yell, causing her to jump.

I didn't mean to yell at her, I just can't stand being ignored and she knows that .

Her voice was small, "You broke my heart."

I did what? How could I have possibly done that? Wait, was she here last night? I'm so perturbed right now.

"How did I do that Demetria?"

She slowly looks up at me.

She walks past me, "Maybe you should ask your boyfriend Josh."

"My what?" I grab her arm

She stops, then exhales deeply,

"You know something Summer, I came here yesterday feeling like shit. You know why? Because I felt that I wasn't being a good enough girlfriend to you. I felt you deserved better. Until about three this morning, I was awaken by your drunk ass and your little friend flirting in the kitchen. Not only were you totally trashed, if I had not walked in, you probably would have had sex with him. But here's the good part; after all of that I considered your state of mind and tried to understand why you were so wasted, until you stated, I don't need you.

You know what that did to me? You know what that says to me? Demi fuck you and everything I have ever said or did because it was complete bullshit."she was breathing heavy

I bowed my head,I didn't know how to respond. Did I really do all of that? I can't remember anything from last night. I don't mean any of it. I'm in love with Demi, I need her.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." I cried

"Yea, you did. Summer, you know all the problems my family has dealt with due to alcohol. I don't want our relationship to end because of your foolish drinking habits." her voice was calm now.

That showed me that she actually cared.

"I love you so much."

I hugged her. I wanted her to hold me. In fact, I needed her to forgive me.

Sadly, she just stood there; I cried in her shoulder.

"Please Demi. Hold me." I begged

"I can't." she whispered

She grabbed her keys and left. She left me standing there heartbroken. As I had did the night before. I have never seen her so cold and distant.

I collapsed on the couch and cried. Why did I have to be so fucking stupid? I can never control myself with alcohol. I genuinely wanted to quit drinking, but I needed it. I needed it to function. To erase all of my past for just a night. To forget all the hurt and pain that I have been harboring for many years.

I have been under the spotlight since I was born. My dad was the star quarterback for the Miami Dolphins, Dan Marino. My mother on the other hand, was the cheer captain of the 87' Dallas Cowboy's cheerleader. They met during a game between the Dolphins and The Cowboys. He fell in love the moment he laid eyes on her. She was beautiful, blonde hair, green eyes and the warmest smile. The dolphins ended up losing that game, maybe because my dad couldn't keep his eyes off of her. In return he did get her number, and two years later my mom, Sarah, was pregnant with twins.

Two little girls, it was. I was later born alongside of my twin Haley. She was the older twin, born two minutes before me, and she acted like it.

She was the favorite. My mom raved about her being a future Cowboy cheerleader. She had the natural talent and my parents idolized that.

I was never treated as good as Haley was.

Gymnastics , ballet, cheer she did it all. I on the other hand, stood in the background and cheered for her.She, however, always cared for me and treated me as her equal.

We were a family, until The Situation happened. We were both about five years old. My mom was having a alumni meeting with some of her friends,and my dad was out of town.

Haley and I were playing soccer outside one evening, when the ball rolled into the street. Halley our ball is gone. I cried.

It's okay. I'll go get it for you. She assured me.

Like Haley said, she went into the street to get the ball. However, a car was speeding and didn't see her and ran her over. She laid there limp in the road. A man rushed out of the car and I screamed. My mom ran out and saw her lying there. Haley ended up dying on the scene.

This caused our family to spiral out of control. My dad blamed my mom for not tending to us and my mom blamed me. Since then, my mom has used me as Haley's replacement. Now I was the one in cheer and all of that. I still feel guilty for Haley's death. If I had not whined about that damn ball, she would still have been here.

I need Demi just like I had needed Haley. I am afraid of being alone. She comforted me, made me feel safe. Only a few people know about Haley and her death. I have never told anyone about The Situation, in fact I just lock it up in the back of my mind.

Demi has to know the reason for my alcoholism. It's the only chance I have to get her back.


Thanks for all the interest in this story it really means the most.


Next chapter preview: Summer will do anything to get Demi back. Will it work, or has Demi had enough?

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