Chapter 37: Quagmire

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A/N: I literally re-wrote this chapter like three times. I didn't know how to unfold Dallas' convictions with Semi. Finally, after being on the verge of tears from frustration with writing, here it is. Please comment your thoughts:


I stood as she removed herself from the doorframe. My mind automatically shifted to a defensive mode. Since Dallas and I got into that argument at my parent's home, we haven't said more than a few words to each other at a time. She approached me, the tiredness in her face was prominent. I searched for a sign of anger or disgust in her eyes, but only concern and dejection flashed in her orbs. Her eyes flickered from me to Summer. She sauntered slowly around the bed gliding her hand over Summer's body.

Her lips curved into a weak smile, "She seems so peaceful."

"The doctor said the coma, should wear off soon." I informed, rubbing my neck.

I took my seat back in the plastic chair. Dallas moved from one side of the bed, to the other.

" Mom dropped me off." Dallas didn't look up while she addressed me. She was solely focused on Summer.

"Where is she now?" I asked, not really caring to know, but wanted to keep the small talk going.

Her eyes peered up only to answer me,"In the waiting area."

It was impossible to avoid the elephant in the room. So much so, it felt like the elephant was sitting on my chest. I knew I had to reach out to Dallas. These awkward encounters had been going on for far too long. I miss confiding in my sister, and I know Sam missed her best friend. Dallas is just so hard to convince sometimes.

She moved back on my side and deposited herself on the edge of the bed; clutching her purse. She wouldn't even look at me.

I leaned forward and placed my hands on her knees, "Dal, is everything okay?"

She shook her head as tears lined her eyes. I knew guilt overcame her heart. Sam could have died and Dallas wouldn't have been able to live with herself. They were each other's everything.
She covered her face with her hands. I moved from my chair and sat next to her. Wrapping my arms around her, I kissed her head.

She leaned her body on me, "I could have lost her without being able to apologize." she weeped softly into my chest.

I rocked her slowly, " Sam knows you love her." I lifted her head, " We both do."

Dal moved out of my grasp. She wiped her stray tears. "Why didn't she tell me about y'all? I'm suppose to be her best friend."

"Well after you blow up when I tried to tell you, what sense would it make.", I thought- but decided it was best if I didn't say it like that.

I sighed, moving my hands back into my lap, "You are not the most accepting person Dal. Nor are you the easiest to talk too."

She lowered her gaze, " And so you're her knight and shining armor."

Her voice echoed culpability.

" I listen to her Dal; she's just tired of people telling her what they think is best for her." I averted my eyes while I talked.

She chuckled awkwardly, "People, or just me?"

I shrugged my shoulders, not disagreeing with her statement. She looked at me and something ignited in her.

Dallas stood suddenly, Her lips curled into a thine line, "Why her? There are thousands of girls that would date you. Why my best friend?"

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