Chapter 40: All of My Heart

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The desolate Starbucks coffee shop, buzzed with the slight clicking of computer keys and sips of caffeinated drinks. Summer's blue orbs searched my face for any reaction from what she just told me. The recollection of her being in heaven, seeing Trenton, and actually talking to him; concerned me. Of course you hear the stories of someone having a near death experience and the next thing you know, they've heard angels and sat on Jesus' lap. Not saying that it isn't possible for Sam to have experienced that, just highly unlikely. Most doctors say anyway that it's usually just hallucinations.

"Well?" Summer spoke breaking my train of reasoning.

The words wouldn't flow naturally. " that's amazing." I clasped my tea cup. Her eyes squinted showing just slivers of vibrant blue. She chuckled-taking aback, "You don't believe me do you?" I smiled awrkwardly- taking slow sips of tea, "I want too babe, but it's unlikely that actually happened." I tried to explain, while her face contorted in disbelief. "You would have to be dead right to go to a heavenly state like that? You never died."

"So you don't believe me." she crossed her arms in an offended manner.

My hand rubbed the back of my neck, "I just need proof that's all."

Summer gripped her coffee and swallowed still eyeing me. The arch in her brow increased as the red lipstick stained cup returned to the table. Her voice ranged with confidence, "What if I do have proof, that would no doubt prove I talked to Trenton."I nodded given her the cue to continue. "Trenton told me to tell you yes." My brows furrowed in confusion, "Yes,That's it?" How is that going to prove to me that she talked to Trenton. This was getting harder and harder to believe.

Summer clarified, "He said that there was something you're confused about and you needed to know if he disagreed or agreed with you. Trent told me that he agreed with whatever the situation is. He also told me that you would know what he was talking about. But the look on your face says otherwise."

My face probably did. I was more confused than convinced. Yes? Yes, to what exactly. I began to search my brain for answers. After a few moments of thinking a light bulb clicks.

Did he really say yes to this? Wait, does that mean Summer actually was in heaven at some point. "Do you believe me now?" Summer smiled.

I shrugged unsure, "I guess Sam; if what you're saying is correct, then everything changes now. Summer leaned in, "What do you mean everything changes? Is something wrong?"

"No, everything is fine." I waved off, still pondering on Trenton's statement.

I was wrong, everything was not fine.


AfterI told Demi what happened, her demeanor changed. I could tell that whatever they knew that I didn't, was something life-altering. She continued to smile and goof the rest of the day, it soon started to seem that maybe it wasn't that serious. Demi showered off the long day, while I sat on the couch. The television displayed episodes of some show or another. I tried to stay awake until Demi returned since she wanted to watch a movie, but the drag of the day carried my eyelids down.


The living room echoed light snores as I resurfaced from the bedroom. Sam's dormant body rose and fell naturally on the couch. An endearing smile pursed my lips, while my feet carried me to where she slept. The picture box was barely over a hum-its constant flashes of light being the only glow in the room. My arms draped across her small frame, capturing her sweet and warm smell. The couch was large enough to fit her and I comfortably. Cutting of the television and veiling covers over us, my body slowly fell into a drifty midway.

The morning forecast peeked through the silk curtains casting a bright light upon my face. An aroma of breakfast and coffee notified me of morning. Shrugging the covers off, my eyes fought through the morning readjustment.

"Morning beautiful!" Sam's cheery voice greeted me.

Walking into the kitchen the last prepping of breakfast was being raked into plates. Kissing her soft cheek I grabbed a plate, "Morning babe." the raspiness of my voice present. We padded into the dinning area and took a seat. Sam choose my lap as a seat rather than an actual chair. "You're always so comfy." She cooed. " Your butt is pretty comfy too." I laughed.

" I really missed our moments together." Sam entwined my hand. My head lowered to her shoulder, "So did I love, but you're here now, safe, and with me.You know you've always had all of my heart?" Her voice spoke above a whisper, "Always?"

" Always and Forever." I promised.

A few hours later...

"Summer if you don't feel up to this, you don't have to do it." Summer's manager advised her.

Summer was asked to come on the Ellen Show today to tell her story about the abduction. This is still a fresh wound for her, but Sam assured us that she was perfectly fine talking about it.

They led her unto the stage, as I watched from the dressing room.


" Good afternoon Summer, how are you?" Ellen hugged me. "I'm feeling great." Gesturing towards my foot as she took a seat,"Well your foot is in a cast, so you can't be doing that well." Ellen joked. I laughed at her humor, while she contuined to talk. "You look stunning by the way." she added.

"Thanks." I smiled.Through the next few minutes we talked about my life these past months through cheerelading, modeling, my abduction, and hosptialization. The next topic however caught me off guard. Ellen began to speak, "So we all know you're close friends with Dallas Lovato, and the Lovato-De La Garza family. Well about a month ago her sister, Demi Lovato, who is really good friends of mine, actually came out. How did that affect the family? Did you guys already know?"

My heart immediately stopped. The crowd went silent and all eyes were focused on me. I could even picture Demi's brown orbs staring at the screen now. My breath felt caught in my throat, as I searched for an appropriate answer. My repsonse came unatural," Thier family is amazing, they were so supportive of Demi and her decision." Unfortunately that wasn't a good enough answer. Ellen interrogated some more," Is there some one in her life, now?" My answer was quick," You would have to ask Demi." Wrong Answer.

Ellen stood as she introduced her next guest, "Well let's ask her ourselves, my buddy Demi Lovato." As I turned my head, Demi appeared onstage all smiles and waves. I didn't know we both were getting interviewed. Demi sat closely next to me, her sweet scent relaxing me. She nudged my subtlety, I guess telling me to relax. Ellen did her usual introduction, and contuined with the interview.

"Demi, is there someone in your life?" Demi glanced over at me. I could tell she was unsure on what to answer. She had always done the, my personal life is my personal life, but I felt she actually wanted to admit the truth. Something very unexpected happened, I grabbed her hand. I didn't know if it was the lack of oxygen from the nervousness, or the undying need to show Demi that what we have is real; but it happened, and the gasps from the audience proved true.

"Um.." Demi stuttered. Ellen took the words straight from Demi's mouth, " Are you guys together?" "Uh.." Demi tried. I've never seen Demi so speechless. I spoke on her behalf, "Yes, we are."

After a brief moment of silence, the crowd erupted in cheers and admiration, as all Demi could do was turn her head and kiss me. Her voice was soft, " I love you."

In the next five minutes the whole world will know about Demi and I, and quite frankly I'm okay with that.

I kissed her back, "Always and forever."

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This will officially be the last chapter of this story. A final thanks to all the readers, voters, and followers. I am so grateful to be able to express my creative writings with you guys. More stories are in the works, so you can comment any ideas you may have. Signing of ... Wafflemeup ❤️

A/N: Check out song for the chapter, really good band as well.

The Only Exception( A Demi Lovato Fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now