Chapter 32: Taken

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A month later...


" This is the best moment of my life." Demi gleamed

"The best moment of your life so far!" I corrected

We laid in the sparkling white sand of Palm Spring, Aruba beach. The sun beamed down on our tan skin. I turned my head and stared as her smile filled face stared off into the distance.

"Why can't we spend everyday like this ? Here on a beautiful beach with the woman I love. No screaming fans, or annoying paps. Just the sound of waves crashing against the shore. " She sighed

"I promise once you finish Xfactor and the cheer season is over; we will take a long vacation, just us."

She rolled over and kissed me.

"Promise ?" She asked

"Scouts honor." I laughed

" Wake up pretty face." A musk voice shouted

She shook from her temporary safe haven. Everything on her body ached.
Her clothes were covered in splatters of dried blood and grime. Dried tears and dirt covered her face. She wore chains on her hands and feet.

"Please let me go." Summer pleaded

"Is that all I get?" he shook the bars on her cage.

"Why me?"

" That is a good question. I keep telling you, you will find out soon."

The man's phone rings.

"One moment love. Здравствуйте. Да девочки по-прежнему здесь. Я свяжусь с объектом сегодня. У Вас будет ваши деньги. Как вы хотите. Bye."

"That was the boss. We start the process today." he informs Summer

"I don't know what you want, but please if you let me go, I will give you anything." Summer cried

He walks toward her holding cell. Each boot slamming against the ground.
The man was tall and slim. He wore a long scar on his left cheek, and bared a thick Turkish accent. Grabbing a bar with each of his hands, he pushes part of his face through the small gap.

"Sorry can't do that. Time for breakfast." he laughs
"Jade." he yells

Footsteps come hurrying down the stairs.

"Yes." A tall American woman answers

"Bring our friend some breakfast and don't forget the powder this time." he orders

"Whatever." the dark haired woman turns but is grabbed forcefully by the man.

"Look. Stop with the attitude or whatever we profit, you will not receive shit." he breathes into her ear.

They both walk up the steps and leave the room.

The room is dark and silent as Summer begins to search for an escape. She is very malnourished and terrified. She doesn't know why she is here. Summer knows that if she doesn't escape soon she will die. The door opens and the woman returns with a tray of food.

"Okay. Here you go, and this time don't bite me." she sits on a milk crate

"Why won't you let me go." Summer asks

"I told you a million times, I can't. Plus your worth a lot of money." she holds a spoon of the unidentified food through the cell bar.

"No." Sam barks

"Please. Why are you so stubborn?" the woman begs

Summer turns around and faces away from her.

A moment passes.

"Okay, fine. If you eat this, I will loosen the chains and change your clothes." she offers

Summer ponders on the compromise. This is the time for her to escape.

"Fine." Summer answers

The woman stands up and grabs the key. She unlocks the cell slowly and enters. Summer turns and face the woman.

"Your name is Jade?" Summer asks

"Yes." Jade answers as she kneels down and begins to loosens the arm shackles.

"Why do you listen to him? Is he your boyfriend?" Summer questions

"You know, you ask a lot of questions." Jade informs

Jade moves down to her ankles and loosens those too.

"Thank you, Jade. And I'm sorry I bit you."

Jade laughs loudly. She begins to feels compassion for the beautiful girl. How ever, she is quite aware of the consequences for her empathy.

"Okay let's change those clothes."



Demi and Naya lay under the covers snuggled.

"I'm sorry I couldn't do it" Demi whispers into Naya's neck

Naya turns over and kisses the blue haired girl.

"It's okay. I know it's going to take sometime for you to get over her." Naya assures

Her. Demi thought about her. Summer. The woman that refused to claim her openly.

"Yea." she breathed

Demi hasn't heard from Summer in a couple of weeks. Summer had tried to get in touch with her, but Demi refused to answer. Her mind was ready to move on, even though her heart wasn't. They didn't officially break-up, but Demi knew that was the end.

" Just remember I'm here for you. Even if us doesn't work out." Naya proclaimed

She snuggled closer to Demi and circled small finger traces on her neck.

"I just wonder where she went." Demi pondered



"I appreciate it." Summer thanked

"No biggie." Jade replied

Summer began to feel a little bad for what she was about to do. How ever, her need to escape overrode that. As Jade turned to exit the cell, Summer jumped up and wrapped the chain links around Jade's neck.

"What the fuck are you doing." Jade choked

"I'm sorry." Summer cried

Summer struggled with the black-haired girl, as Jade was losing conciseness. She released her and Jade collapsed onto the floor. The gate was left ajar. Summer scurried to the opening praying she could get out of here safe.
Summer ran up the narrow stairwell, her bare, scarred feet picking up every crack and crevice in the ground. She reached the door and opened it. A long hallway with many doors stood before her. She limped down the hallway checking to see if any were unlocked. She shook each knob violently, pleading that one would open.

"Jade, your done?" A loud voice called down the hallway

The voice shook her. The deranged man was returning. She forced her sobs to remain silent.

"Jade!" the voice became louder and closer

"Please GOD." Summer prayed

She finally opened a door and stumbled in.


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