Chapter 35: Nightingale

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My temperature flushed and sweat pricked my brows. I've been sitting here for a few minutes and I don't how to respond. That honestly caught me off guard. How did she find out?

" Surprising, right?" I smile nervously

I tried to read her face, but a stone wall took it's place.

" Anything else you might want to tell me?" She questioned.

" Is there a problem?" I respond boldly

She takes a deep breath and puts her hands up in surrender,
" No, I love my daughter. I may not agree with her decisions, but I love her." She stood slowly and sat her cup in the sink.

" Agree with her breaking up with Josh and being with me?" I stood

She pressed her hands against the counter and lowered her head. Her medium wavy blonde locks covered her face. She wasn't ready to pick a fight.

" She's all I have left. I can't lose her over this homosexuality thing." she admitted.

Sam told me about ' The Situation' and her relationship with her parents. I know her mother and Sam do not have a good relationship. She would rather put Summer and I on the back burner of her mind, then face the truth. And I'm perfectly fine with that, for now.

" Well that's what I'm here to talk you about. We have to find her." I informed

She lifted her head and glared at me defeated. Her light green orbs began to slightly moist with sadness. Her face didn't wear stress well. " I've done all I can. Ad's, interviews; it's been almost three weeks." She choked on tears.

" That's why I'm trying to help. I need to ask you a few questions." I rubbed her back.

" Okay."

She turned around and returned to her seat. I followed suit. A took out a small note pad from my jacket pocket and flipped to the page.

" Alright. First question, when did you last see her?" I put my pen to the paper waiting on her response.

" Um..about three weeks ago." she sniffled

"And what were guys doing."

"Well she invited her father and I to dinner at Cleo's. There she came out to Dan and I. Dan didn't take it well so he left the restaurant and Summer ran after him. I waited sometime and they never returned. I assumed they just left." she cried

I wrote the important details on the paper trying to keep my composure. I didn't know what to say, so I just listened.

" Dan called me a few days later trying to get in touch with her. He said he called her phone and went by the house, but no answer. So, I called Josh to see if he had any idea, but he didn't respond either. I mean, I even called your sister, but she had no idea. So, that is when I called the police. They investigated and realized she might have gone missing or have been abducted." she recalled

Tears were tumbling down her face. Her light green eyes deepened to an emerald. She cupped her hands on the island, they trembled on the granite counter top. As I looked to write, I saw tear droplets on my paper as well. I swallowed thickly. My throat felt tight and constricted. Hearing her recall these events felt so surreal. Sam had been trying to get in touch with me, but I refused to answer her call. Now, she could be gone and if I would have answered the phone, I could have helped her. What if I was the last opportunity she had to reveal her distress? I closed the notepad and returned it to my jacket pocket. My hand fumbled through my hair, while I thought of my next move. I'm not even a police officer. What possibly can I do?

The Only Exception( A Demi Lovato Fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now