Chapter 31: Aftermath

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The sun crept through the apartment windows. Demi laid there fast asleep, breathing delayed. The crust of dried tears stained her blush cheeks, giving her the appearance of a helpless child abused by their aggressor.The laminate wood floor became her temporary resting place. She shifted uncontrollably until she realized that her sleeping time had faded.

Demi groaned as she awaken, taking in the empty apartment. Suddenly, it hit her. The memories of last night swirled into her mind , causing her to panic. She held back tears, as she cursed the beloved woman for leaving her. She jerked up and walked into the master bedroom. The room was disheveled. Dresser draws were hanging by the thread of wood. The closet that used to bear the couples clothes , only remained with articles for Demi. This was surreal to her. Everything she felt seemed so unnatural . Demi turned and closed the door and walked back into the living room.

A broken wooden object laid on the floor. At an angle she approached it and examined the remains. The couples faces laid crumpled and torn. Their smiles wore rips and creases. She bent over and picked it up. Tears swelled again but Demi forced them back. She folded the photo and tucked under the couch. Glass filled part of the floor, but Demi left it there.


" First class passengers boarding the departing flight for Dallas/ Ft. Worth Intercontinental Airport, please report to terminal five." The loud speaker shook me awake.

I quickly grabbed my things and walked to the terminal. After leaving Demi's, I spent the remainder of the night sleeping in the airport lobby.
Siting in my window seat, I struggled to find a relaxing position. I rested my head between the head rest and window. The cool glass soothe my throbbing headache.

The captain announced our departure and I dozed off.
"Mam? The plane has landed." the flight attendant rocked me.

"Okay thanks." I weakly smiled

She grabbed my luggage from the overhead compartment and guided me off the plane.

I took my things and roamed through the airport. I expected cameras and screaming fans, but Demi wasn't with me. It was hard to keep my mind off her; to leave her like that in a disarray. I felt incomplete without her warm vanilla scent by my side. She protected me from everything, including myself.

I noticed a masculine tall man standing in the middle of the rushing pedestrians. He wore a dark trench coat and sunglasses. Our eyes met a gaze and he smiled. I turned away quickly. Why was he smiling at me? He didn't look familiar and it scared me a little. I slowly turned back and his was gone.

My phone began to vibrate in my purse. I searched for it and answered the call.

"Where are you woman?" Josh asked worriedly

"I'm standing in the airport, and you?"

"I'm outside by Port E."

"On my way." I replied and hung up the phone.

I searched for his car outside and found the black and chrome Porsche.

" Welcome back!" he smiled, as I closed the car door.

"Good to be home." I lied



"I hate her." I cried into Marissa's shoulder.

"You don't hate her, your just heartbroken right now." she assured me.

I was more than heartbroken. It felt like my heart was ripped out and replaced with a deep hollow shell.

"I can't believe she did that to you." Marissa said astonished.

I told Marissa everything that happened, including my almost self-harm. I had to literally sit on my hands till I feel asleep.

"Where is she now?" she asked

"I don't know; she just stormed out."

"Does she know anyone down here?"

"I doubt it. She never talked about family when she stayed with me." I answered

I hope she's okay, there's some crazy people in La. Then again I could care less. My hollow shell progressively became filled with bitterness.


Josh and I sat in the night lounge.

"Only one drink?" Josh laughed

I've been sipping this Long Island Tea for a hour.

I ran my finger around the rim of the glass.

"So, you never told me why you're here. I thought your anniversary was this week. Did Demi dump you?" he joked

"Fuck off ." I snapped

"Whoa did I hit a soft spot?" He smirked

"I'm sorry, it's just too soon."

"Too soon for what?"
He placed his hands on the table, interlocked, and leaned in slowly.

I tilted my head back, to slow the tears from falling. Her moist filled brown eyes floated in my mind.

"I couldn't do it." I admitted

"Do what?" he ask worriedly

"I couldn't put my fears aside and support my girlfriend." I choked

"I did see that video." He replied

"It's too late now, everyone knows." I answered

"Demi never mentioned you being her girlfriend. She just admitted she had one." he took a swallow of his beer

She did what? For a second, time paused. Fuck! I literally cursed so loud in my mind, it became audible.

"You okay?" he asked

I slammed my head between my hands.

"Can I see the video?"

"Sure." he replied and then pulled it up on his phone.

After watching the video, my cheeks were stained with tears. I felt so terrible. She never does anything wrong, I'm always messing shit up.

I never gave her a chance to explain.

"I need to fix this." I announced

"How you plan to do that? She probably loathes you now."

"Thanks. " I replied sarcastically
"I gotta go." I stood from the table

"Let me walk you to your car." he followed

We walked closer to the exit, and I noticed a man sitting at the bar. He was the same man from the airport. I quickly walked passed him and out the door. Josh walked me to my car and retrieved his. As I exited the drive way, I looked into my rearview mirror and saw the man standing in front of the lounge door. My heart stopped for a second. This was my second time seeing him. I became more nervous and rushed home.



Next chapter preview: A turn of events.

A/N: Sorry for grammatical errors

The Only Exception( A Demi Lovato Fanfic) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now