more than just feelings

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Gray pov

So I was relaxing at the bar- just like how I usually do after a successful mission, then Juvia enters the guild hall.

Everyone sneaks a glance at her, then at me, then continues whatever they're doing.

Mirajane passes me a nice cold bottled beer from across the counter. A strange smile on her face. She's so weird to be honest. How can she be so calm all the time? I just don't get it considering the psycho powers she has. I mean, this woman is Satans soul.

Juvia comes running towards me. I notice the handbag swinging from her arm. A shy smile on her face. Her eyes sparkling. This causes me to look away. She stops in front of me.

"Erm, yeah?" I say hiding my eyes.

"Gray Sama! Juvia has a present for you!" She says brightly.

I hold my breathe. How's she going to embarrass me this time?

Then she extracts a strange little doll from her bag. I soon realize it's an action figure of herself. Woah! It's actually pretty cool.

"Keep it," She says.

I shake my head.

"Please?" She says. "It's my birthday, at least someone can..."

"It's not your birthday liar." I interrupt. This makes her blush, "Gray Sama knows my birthday! Juvia is so happy!"

Then she suddenly grabs my hand. This irritates me instantly. I don't like anyone, scratch that, I just don't being touched by Juvia. I don't mind anybody else. It's just that when it's her-I don't know. I get stressed?

I take the doll a little too tightly and just like that, it crumbles in my hands. "Shit!" I think. But I don't say anything.

She stares at it, tears well up in her pretty eyes. Her pale cheeks turn a rosy pink. I feel a storm coming on.

"That was a blessed Juvia doll," She whimpers. Other guild members start to watch us. Damn it, since when have I been so self conscious?

In fact, I'm always self conscious around this chick. Every time she's with me, everyone stares at us.

"I put a tiny part of my spirit into it. Literally."

Shit, now I'm scared. But I'm still not gonna say anything. What the hell is wrong with me?

Then she pulls the Gray doll from her bag. Wait, why am I not surprised?
Well anyways, once she pulls it out, she starts to sweat, then crumbles it in her hands. Tears drip from her eyes.

"Juvia is sorry for being a bother." She says. And then she leaves the guild hall in an instant. I want to run after her, but at the same time, I don't want anyone to notice. So I just sit there.

Mirajane glares at me from across the counter, "You know Gray, if she really did put a part of her spirit into that doll, then you better hope you don't get cursed."

I shoot around quickly, "I accidentally broke the doll!" I snap, surprising myself. Then her eyebrows raise, "Oh, okay then."

That night I went back home after a dinner fight at the guild hall. Natsu flame brain kept snatching the food off my plate. That bastard.

When I arrive in my messy room I stare downwards at the photo of me, ur and Lyon having an almost naked snow fight. We didn't seem to mind taking photos in our underwear that day.

I bent down and pick the photo up off the ground. I look so happy in it.

Like a flash, the image of a certain blue haired crazy water mage appears in my head.

"No!" I tell a loud.

My heart suddenly thumps madly. It happens every time I feel sad. My mind thinks of Juvia. Brings her smiling image into my mind.

"She makes you happy, why not tell her how you feel?" Whispers an almost audible whisper into my mind.

"No!!" I yell aloud.

I stare more at the photo of Ur and Lyon and I then I drip it, then zombie walk towards my bed and fall onto it.

About to go to sleep until there's a sudden knock on my door. Afraid it's Erza asking me back for the edolas sword I stole from her a week back, I jump up, grab the sword that I can't help but cherish from my wardrobe, then rush towards the front door. Clutching the heavy sword in my hand.

Upon seeing Juvia, I drop the sword in shock.

It can't be.... she's stalking my house?

"Gray Sama..." She says. "Juvia wants to thank you."

"W-why?" I stammer, feeling rather irritated. She made me get up for no reason.

"Just because Juvia loves Gray Sama. Juvia wants to show you that she's no longer upset."

I feel my chest burn. I don't know how or why.

"That's all?!" I growl under my breathe.

She opens her mouth to speak but then something strikes me. How pretty she looks. How much I want to...I want to. No. I just can't. I care for her too much to even consider...wait, what am I thinking?!

"You can leave now." I say coldly. "I don't want you Juvia. Not in that way. I don't like you I'm that way."

Juvia is frozen to the spot then slowly she turns around. But while her back is turned to me, she says...

"Juvia wishes Gray Sama could see how much it hurts to be Juvia. Her love for Gray Sama is more than just feelings. It's power. But now....It's.." She chokes in tears.

I open my mouth, almost about to confess that I just spoke shit, but then she runs away.

I decide to try to shrug it off but whilst I make it back to my bed I hear that stupid voice in my head. Nagging me. "You're a liar..."

"No!! This is for her own good!" I yell myself. Though, I have lied a lot, especially today. Fuck, I wanna kill myself right now. Punch myself in the face. Really fucken bad. Why did I just have to go and do that?

This always happens. She does something for me, I reject it, she cries her eyes out, then comes back, I reject her again, then the next day we're back to normal again.

I fall onto my bed. Damn, I think I might've taken it a bit too far this time. I feel so left out. A part of me wants to run back to the guild hall suddenly, and maybe look for another mission. And see if Juvia is okay.

But instead, I go to sleep, quickly, before she can creep up in my imagination, I go to sleep with guilt in my chest, like the filthy coward I really am...

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