Living with Gray Sama

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Juvia's pov

It has now been three weeks since I started training with Natsu san and My darling. The other members of the guild often came just to enjoy my absolutely humiliating failed attempts of mastering Gray Sama's power.

Gray Sama often would snap at me whilst training, and there was once I really bad moment that happened when I fainted and supposedly, when that happened, Erza had to give me mouth to mouth resuscitation. That made me so madly jealous! Because though I was asleep in Gray's body, it was still Gray Sama's body she touched. : (

Right now me and Gray Sama are in each others bodies and this time we are in my house. We have just finished a good mission and I managed to squeeze in some training. I made an ice sphere, I learned to make other ice makes as well and Gray Sama almost said he was proud of me, hehe.

I pace around my kitchen as I slice up vegetables. Aish! This feels as though we are a married couple! There is a pot of soup steaming up on the oven and I have made my own Gray breads and Juvi-buns. I am not embarrassed about it anymore.

My darling enters the room in my body. I've never seen my face express such impatience. "Can you hurry it up? I'm not expecting a five star meal y'know. I'll eat anything."

I gasp and nod, slicing the vegetables harder, yet I can't stop staring into my own eyes. How could my own eyes captivate me so much? I accidentally cut mine/Gray Sama's hand then he quickly steps forward. "You've gotta focus!" he says with a cold expression. "My hands are important."

I nod then I walk towards the sink and wash the slight tinge of blood from mine/grays hand. "I'll finish up. You wait in there." he says pointing towards the sitting room. I still haven't adjusted to eating in the sitting room but I must not object any of his decisions!

I nod excitedly then turn and rush into the sitting room.

This is like we're on a date! I am in a dream! Gray Sama is in my house and he is cooking for me! For us! It's like we're preparing for our marriage!

A few minutes later he calls out for me to help him carry our plates into the sitting room.

After a few minutes of preparing the meal on my coffee table and positioning ourselves comfortably on the floor, we slowly start to eat. I peep up at my face as I watch Gray Sama in my body eat so gently. Aaah! So charming...until...

He picks up his bowl of soup and pours it right into  his/my mouth.

My eyes widen in surprise and I blush immediately then pick up my bowl of soup and try to pour it into my/his mouth too. But it BURNS!

"Aaaaah!" I choke as soup pours down my neck and body.

He bursts into laughter suddenly then rushes out of the room to get a paper towel. But by the time he gets back into the room, I'm feeling drowsy. The hot.

Gray takes back his position then passes me the towel and I wipe myself clean.

"Our unison raid today," says Gray. "Went a lot better than expected. We blew that salamander out of the water."

I nod brightly, "Yes! Our unison raids of love have become pure and perfect! Just like you and I together!"

My face cringes at me then looks away.

"Let's drink some wine darling."

"Stop saying darling with my voice!" he snaps at me. But it doesn't register then I get up and rush towards the kitchen.

Wine glasses? Check.

Wine? Check

Love potion that won't fail this time? Check

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