Juvia get's Kidnapped.

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Gray's POV

After one month of co-operating with Juvia as much as I can handle, as we're on a mission through the forest, trying to find some weird magical water spring. Our mission is to cleanse it and then turn it to ice, but before we turn it to ice, we need to place this weird charm in the sping. As we're walkng along, Juvia suddenly falls to the ground and starts choking in my body.

The forest is wide and the air smells a little like tobacco.


I rush to her as she's choking unbearably. "What's the matter?" I say to her. She grasps onto the tree then the tree starts to crystallize and turn to ice. Never have I seen my magic convert something to ice, I'm pretty sure I've only ever frozen things.

But the tree is completely transparent.

My own face looks up at me with misty eyes. "I'm really starting to forget things. Juvia really is close to having mastered Gray Sama's power. Just a few more days, an Juvia has done it." she says with my voice while clutching at the chest.

I pull her up as she's in my body. "What's the matter?" I ask.

"Juvia is worried. Juvia doesn't think that we should find the spring."

I hesitate to respond and then we decide to turn around and exit the forest. But just as we're about to leave, we hear somebody scream loudly.

In an instant Juvia turns around and rushes back into the forest. I follow after her. The screaming continues then we finally find the spring. But there is a man by the spring. He has a long black cloak on. When he turns around he takes his hood off and smiles at us. he has an eye mask on. I shortly realize that there is a girl in the water. I holds out my hand out then make the water from the spring rise so that the girl comes flying out of it and onto the ground, with the wave of the water. She has an eye mask on her face. Then I turn back to the weirdo with the cloak.

He's blonde and his eye mask is dark blue and black patterned. His clothing beneath his cloak is strange, like he's some ballroom dancer or something.

The unfamiliar man smiles at us.

"Do you want to know what you's were about to do?" he asks with a strangely playful voice. I respond,

"I don't know who you are and I don't care. If you don't mind, you're kinda getting in our way." 

"You were about to freeze eternally the water of wishes." he says in a teasing tone.

"What ?" 

"Just kidding! Hahahaha! Wishes don't exist boy! No, you were about to freeze the spring of foretelling. Look into the water under a full moon, and it shall grant you the ability to see all of the future!"

"Why use that when we have prophets?" I ask, more curious than bitter with this stranger. Juvia tends to the choking girl as I talk to the man.

"This is better than just prophets ma boy! Because once someone looks into the water under moonlight, their future will be blessed forever. But only with one sacrifice." he says with a playful tone.

I smirk then he says, "Oh, but the water must be clean. Now if you don't mind," he says. He suddenly claps his hands and the charm pendant that was in my pocket disappears and reappears in his hands.

"Oh, and thank you Mary," he says to the girl that was just being choked in the water. Suddenly the girl grasps Juvia, who is in my body from around the neck.

Automatically I rush to grab her, but she suddenly dissapears with the girl. Suddenly the guy grabs me. I yell out, "Water cyclone!" but it's no use.

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