(Filler chapter) The hot Spring.

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Juvia's P.O.V

Days pass of me and my darling switching bodies repeatedly. Sometimes it would happen in the middle of us doing important things, sometimes it would just happen during sleeping hours.

Gray Sama's power is slowly starting to fade out of me.

The most exciting part was that I got to sleep in Gray Sama's house every day and one night we slept in mine

Natsu San is really mean to me when I'm in my darlings body. He always laughs at me, kicks me, hurts me. Sometimes even flame throws my/Gray Sama's face! 

Me and Gray Sama continued training with Natsu San and there were moments when I wished Natsu San would back off and it was just me and Gray Sama. There was a time when Erza joined in and that was scary! She thought she'd make it more exciting.

I tried to icemake the sphere onto Natsu during training, but he burst it with his flames.

One day as me and Lucy San are talking in the guild hall, at the bar, very uncomfortably (I'm in Gray Sama's body again) Cana throws a cup at my head. Ow!

"Hey Juvia-lover! Bring me a round of ice for my beer! It's getting warm!"

I get up then coldly walk towards her and form a big arm full of ice cubes in my arms. When I pass them to her she frowns, "Er..thanks."

Then I drop them into her arms and walk away. Stupid new love rival!

All these woman ain't as nice to my Gray Sama however, as I am. Being in his body, I've finally learned, that nearly none of them think that Gray Sama is handsome. In fact, I've often heard them talking about the other guys they love.

But still. They could fall for my Gray Sama at any second. So I must be careful!

Erza bangs the guild doors open. Wearing a full  Armour like usual then she yells out, "Where is JUVIA!"

OH NO! Did Gray Sama do something to Erza San again? He's did a few things to her in my body now. 

She turns then glares at me, then she storms towards Lucy. "I invited Juvia to the hot springs for a "girly chat" and she stood me up! This means war!" she says pulling her sword out.

"Don't take it out on Gray-I mean Juvia!" I squeak desperately. "She'll go! Just when the time is ready!"

"I don't have all the time in the world!" snaps Erza.

"Calm down Erza!" says Lucy quickly. "How about you invite her again, and this time all us girls will go together!"

"Yeah! Good idea!" I say, my eyes turning misty with excitement.

Erza and Lucy shoot me disturbed glances.

"I guess you want to have a boys night too, right?" she asks.

I nod fast. Anything Erza says I will agree to! In order to protect myself and Gray Sama!

"Tomorrow." says Erza. "Us girls will have a spa night, and you boys should have one too. Because every one of you's smells terrible and I can't stand it."

Then she pauses and leans in to sniff me, "Wait actually. You smell..." She leans in closer and sniffs again. Oh my goodness, she's sniffing my Gray sama's body and trying to take in his alluring scent. I think I'm going to explode!

"Well, you smell like a girl and that's disturbing. So yes, you should have join the boys Gray. Quit being so anti social."

"He's not usually anti-social!" defends Lucy. "It's just been ever since the mission."

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