Juvias darkness

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I'm standing in Juvia's memory. I want to disappear out of here, but at the same time, I want to be here more than anything.

Juvia lies on the bed of blue sheets and pink pillows. Her body is cradled into a ball. Her head in her knees and I can't see her face.

This is her bedroom. There is pictures of happy sunny looking sceneries on the wall.

Her bed is surrounded by strange white dolls.

The floor is wooden and slightly damp. There is one set of draws in this room and on top of it rests a drawn portrait of Juvia standing in the sunlight on the beach with who I assume are her parents.

As the haze of the vision starts to clear sound emerges from outside the room.

"Why don't we tell her the truth?!" Screams a woman's voice.

"You don't love her, I certainly don't love her, why not tell her the truth so that we can move with our lives! I'm sick of shifting from village to village because of her cursed RAIN!"

"If we tell her, she might curse us even more!" Yells a man's voice.

Juvia whimpers on her bed. I walk towards her to touch her, but my hand glides right through her.

And it really is my hand. What am I doing in this memory in my own body? Will jellal-ajar see?

Then the door of Juvia's room suddenly comes crashing open.

A tall beautiful woman storms into the room. Shortly followed by a man with dark blue hair.

"I'm sick of all of this!" She screams at Juvia. "I'm sick of you! I'm sick of your dolls! Your rain and all your rubbish! "

"Mama!" Cries Juvia moving onto her feet.

Then Juvia touches the woman, but the woman grits her teeth,

"Tell her Durane! Tell her the truth!"

Juvia slightly steps back. I can see the fear in her eyes. It makes me want to comfort her. So desperately.

Juvia is meant to always smile. She just is. When she doesn't it's just wrong.

Then the man smirks and says, "I have Been ashamed of you since the moment you were born." He turns to his wife. "There! I said it! Are you happy now!"

Shocked, Juvia's eyes widen, her little arms starting to shake.

"I see so much of her in you and I hate it. I loathe it."

"Of who?"

"Of your mother." Says the woman with a menacing glare. "Your real mother."

Juvia is lost for words.

"Didn't you ever wonder why I never loved you?" Sneers the woman. "It's because I am not your mother!" She yells.

"Dad?" Cries Juvia. "Whats she talking about?"

"I'll explain once and for all," says the man. "Your mother died before being able to give birth to you. Before you were born, your body turned into a huge ball of gas like water in your mother's stomach. You flooded the inside of her while you were just a baby because of your water forn, and she died with you in her belly. You killed her. You killed your mother with your water."

Juvia's mouth dropped. I can see that she is already struggling to breathe. As her heart is racing, so is mine.

"The doctors had to perform an operation on her once she had died, and take you out of her through siserian.

Your Body Is Mine ( Gruvia Fanfic ) [Completed Book 1 Of Sequel]Where stories live. Discover now