Bora the shining

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Lucy's pov

As me and team Natsu search through the village of buildings I sense someone is following us. We've just walked throughout the entire village more than six times. But there seems to be no one around. Where are the other guild teams that promised to meet us here?

Yet at the same time, I sense that something is really off about Gray. He's been so quiet all this time. I wonder what could have happened. Not to mention the fact that he's kept his shirt on even under the hot sun.

Juvia (In grays body.) pov

I need to trust myself but I think I've made a mistake taking a mission so soon.

Though, the village is so quiet. So empty. Me and Erza face Each other cautiously.

"Its too quiet," I say, trying to sound as Gray Sama like as possible.

Natsu sniffs the air, "I smell something bad," he says.

Erza sighs, "Its about time."

We trust his lead then follow him through the village. I wonder where he's going to lead us?

Grays pov.

As Lyon and I pass through the village I keep looking around. Lyon looks protective and is glancing around us constantly. Well, at least if he keeps watch, I don't have to.

Where is team Natsu? They should be here right? I spot them then leap forward to Sprint towards them.

"Natsu! Lucy!" I shout. But they can't hear me. Lyon stops me suddenly. "Wait!"

He then says, "Ice make owl!"

An owl emerges from his hands then flies towards team Natsu. I can see Juvia In my body. She looks so quiet and confused. I've never really seen my self stand amongst Natsu and Erza before. Looking closely, I think Natsu's muscle are a little more defined than mine. Damn it!

Lyons owl flies towards Natsu and rests itself on Natsu's head, but Natsu takes no notice of it. Wow. Is he really that stupid?

I don't get it. Team Natsu are just standing there. Shouldn't they be kicking ass right now?

"We're invisible to them! And our power is nothing but air to them." Says Lyon.

"What? That's crazy!"

"Juvia my dear. I can guarantee that they can't see us."

"Shut up!" I growl. Then I run towards Natsu and try to push him over, but for some reason, I can't get any closer to him.

Lyon turns to me looking confused, "Juvia Chan! Behave yourself!"

"If we're invisible to them, then where's everyone else?" I ask.

"They're all here. It's just that they're invisible. I bet you they're trying to talk to us right now."

"Then how come I can talk to you?" I ask.

"The invisibility caster can't turn people invisible to Each other if they're too close to Each other."

"How do you know there's an invisibility wizard here casting spells on everyone?"  I ask now feeling suspicious.

"Because this has happened before. It was one of the famous methods a man used to take over a village."

I grit my teeth, "Well then why can't Natsu see us, but we see him?"

"The wizards who's messing with us right now is obviously targeting team Natsu, and trying to provoke us, by allowing us to see them, but them not see us. He's probably using this type of tactic on everybody. In case you're unaware it's called mind games."

"Well ain't you the clever one?" Sneered a voice from behind us. A tall familiar looking man stands there. He has dark blue hair and black eyes. He looks strong, but not strong enough for me. I'm certain.

We turn around instantly, "Ice make geyser!" I yell fast.

Instead a water make geyser shoots out of my arms. The wizard from behind us laughs as it hits him in the face.

Shit. I just totally blew my cover. But Lyon hasn't noticed.

Lyon quickly yells, "Ice make Dragon!"

Then he grabs my arm and tried to pull me onto it quickly. "Back off!" I yell.

The wizard laughs then points at me, "I've been waiting for you Juvia Lockser! Remember me!"

I don't hesitate to pull out my fist, but he laughs and pushes me back.

"I'm no longer that weak little dog known as Bora the prominence. Through assisting the power of Lord Ajar, I have been reborn with more glory and more power! Say hello to bora the shining!"

He laughs loudly, and with that, I know that he must be possessed or something. His laugh is too annoying to be real.

"Juvia! Get on the Dragon now!" Yells Lyon loudly.

"How do you know me, I've forgotten you...bora the no body."

He then points his hand at Lyon, "How about I make your buddy invisible to you, so that you can"

I look at Lyon who is sweating and looks like a madman. "Juvia!" He shouts.

Then I grin, "go ahead. If you think I can't take you on without him, then you're sadly mistaken."

"Juvia!" Shouts Lyon aggressively. Then with one wave of boras hand, the sight of Lyon dissapears.

Then I yell and advance onto bora. "Losers like you should go to hell!"

He laughs as his head falls back, then he's gone. Invisible. Suddenly he strikes me from behind.

With one easy attack , he's knocked me onto the ground. I jump up. I can't see the punk. Where the fuck is he?!

Then I yell out, "water bubble!"

A huge sphere of water appears all around me. And I can breathe in it. The rush of the water causes my adrenalin to rush into overdrive.

I think back to time when Juvia's power impressed me the most, and unfortunately it was the time when she knocked out three opponents at once during the magic games.

The spell is so engraved into my memory because that's how embarrassing it was.

"Wings of LOVE!" I roar. I imagine the death threatening cyclone of water emit from my body.

I understand Juvia's powers with my whole mind. I'm sure I can get this. She uses water make, I use ice make.

But I fail.

The massive wave of water comes crashing from out of this body, but becomes a large puddle on the ground before it can rise into the air.

Then bora laughs and clicks his fingers. Purple flames arise then stretch far and wide incredible fast. "Paralyser prominence!" He Yells. Then the purple flames suddenly leech onto me. They don't hurt, but they paralize me so that I can't move.

Then he smiles, "do you feel my charm? Is my charm captivating you Juvia?"

That's right.That's one of his powers. Charming girls so he can hypnotize them or manipulate them.

I shake my head, "of course not idiot."

Shocked, he quickly steps back. I yell as I struggle to get out of his flames.

"Youre pissing me off Juvia, Hows about I get rid of you?" He grins.

But then the flames disappear suddenly, and with that, so do I.

But just as I'm disappearing I hear bora say, "oh, and I'm sorry, but you are the one who was sadly mistaken. You'll always mean nothing to anybody.....Juvia."

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