The familiar faced lord.

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A minute ago I was just standing amongst Lucy, Erza, kagura, Loki and that maid with the pink hair.

But suddenly I've been knocked out. What is going on here?!

I wake up and gasp loudly. Blood is pouring all down my arms. When I realise someone is carrying me and who is carrying me, I yell loudly.

"Let me down!" I shout fast.

Surprised, the jerk faced creep drops me and I bang onto the floor. Luckily I miraculously manage to convert my knees into water before I land into them.

I stand up and look around. We seem to be on a road that is leading out of the village and towards a nearby forest. I turn around and see that there's a small castle nearby.

Wait...I've switched back. I know I should be pissed, but I'm more relieved. I don't care if this hurts. I just hope that Juvia knows what she's doing in my body. I think I'm starting to see the pattern now. Me and Juvia not only switch bodies when someone has gotten better at controlling the powers, but we also switch when we get knocked out. I guess that little brat left the detail out on purpose.

Rogue glares at me. I still have no idea what the hell he's doing here.

Is he an enemy right now or what? And why was he carrying me? Wait! What were him and Juvia doing?!

"I'm not waiting for you if you're going to be a bother." He says coldly.

"Where are we? What's going on?!" I ask.

"I'm on my way to find Yukino and Frosch."

I shake my head, "Don't bother. They're fine. They're with Erza."

Though, I don't where Frosch is.

I hear guards coming then Rogue starts running from me. The jerk!

Rogue runs so fast it's unbelievable. Suddenly, he erupts into a black puff, turns into a shadow and races long the stone road, and towards the forest.

I try to run after him, but it's a bit impossible to chase after a shadow on the ground.

Juvia's stamina is powerful but I don't understand how to control it.

Then the guards get closer to me from behind. I turn around, "water nebula!!" I yell. But I don't have enough magic power. The water falls from my hands.

"Come on! MAKE THIS WORK!" I shout getting angry.

The guards get closer, so all I can do, is put my kombat knowledge to the test with Juvia's body.

But then I realise.

Juvia's body....



Girls bodies.

Shit, I feel like a pervert.

But they've always tried this trick and it's never worked.

I know with my injuries, it's better to not try my kombat, so instead, I hold out my arms.

Now, why do I Absolutely humiliated?

But with my injuries, there's really nothing I can try but this trick. But how would I pull it off without almost fainting myself?

I'm just gonna use this trick to distract them for at least ten seconds. Then I'll run back to the main shopping centre of the village. Back to Erza and my own body.

Then I take the plunge and I rip my dress off.

"L-l-look at my body and get distracted!" I yell.

Your Body Is Mine ( Gruvia Fanfic ) [Completed Book 1 Of Sequel]Where stories live. Discover now