50 - Trial of the White Queen

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(Elissa's PoV)

Still reeling from speaking to Torbjorn and Sirius, Darish ushers in a liveried servant dressed in a high-buttoned jacket of midnight blue with silver piping.

The messenger bows low. "Prince Aldebaran. Her Majesty, Queen Celestia requests your immediate presence and that of your guest."

Aldebaran's voice could cut glass. "You may go and inform my mother that we will attend upon her shortly."

Once the messenger is gone, Aldebaran turns to me. "I had hoped to avoid this as long as possible."

I quickly fix my tear-stained face and then we set off, taking the path to the White Palace. The interior of the palace is more elegant and ostentatious than Arcadia, but not nearly so homely. Aldebaran strides slightly ahead, his head held high, whilst I feel as if butterflies have taken up residence in my stomach.

He stops abruptly and speaks in hushed tones, "We are almost there. Remember. Stand tall, stay strong and most importantly, guard your emotions."

We enter a huge hexagonal room with tall, slender, arched windows on four sides overlooking the gardens. Sat resplendent upon a silver throne is the Queen of the light elves. She barely looks a few years older than me and is so beautiful that it is uncomfortable to gaze upon her.

With platinum blonde hair and dressed all in white, I can understand why she is referred to as the 'White Queen'. The only colour in her ensemble are the large amethysts in her diamond encrusted crown and her stunning purple eyes.

There is something familiar about her and then it strikes me, sending my nerves jangling; it's the woman that I dreamt of presiding over mine and Aren's hand-fastening.

Aldebaran bows. "Celestia, my queen and giver of my life. Please allow me to present my daughter, Elissa."

I follow up with a deep curtsy, eyes cast down.

"Ah, the girl whose face has just graced mirrors across all of Elysium." The queen pauses. "Imagine my surprise when the Watcher informs me that she is in my own palace."

Aldebaran remains cool as a cucumber, forcing the queen to continue. "Your child, you say? How can you be sure?"

"Our souls communed," Aldebaran responds, as if this is all the evidence that is required.

I try not to wilt when the queen stares fixedly at me. The air seems to thicken and the pressure causes my temples to throb. Unsure of the right course of action, I simply endure and wait patiently.

"Come here child," the queen commands, beckoning me closer.

Power radiates off the queen and buffets around me as I cautiously move forward. She touches my forehead and the room swims as my vision blurs.

I find myself standing in an almost circular room with walls made of mirrors. My reflections stretch in every direction.

Gingerly, I reach and am relieved to find the surface hard like a normal mirror. I repeatedly run my fingertips all over the surface, feeling for any indication of a catch or a hidden doorway. There is no sign of a way out and I stand confounded, mocked by thousands of images of myself staring back.

As the minutes tick by, worry turns to an anger burning inside me. A light, like that of the sun, flares to life above my head. It grows brighter and brighter, becoming almost blinding and forcing me to shut my eyes tight.

Strangely, the light does not burn. Instead, I seem to absorb it and soon I'm fizzing with energy. Though I cannot see, I'm nevertheless aware of the walls melting and forming a liquid pool of silver at my feet.

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